In 1992, when New Yorkers were asked to name the most important reason for moving out of town, the most common answer was crime, lack of safety (47.2 percent). The City Beautiful Movement was a reform philosophy of North American architecture and urban planning that flourished during the 1890s and 1900s with the intent of introducing beautification and monumental grandeur in cities. Becoming king at the age of 28 in 1667, he set out to build Europe's most beautiful palace: Versailles. In fact, London welcomes more travelers from the U.S. than any other country. Acceptance of homosexuality has increased in recent years, and . You may wonder this very thing when visiting St. Augustine, located in the northeast part of the Sunshine State. The United States (9,826,630 km2 / 3,794,080 sq mi) is larger than the European Union (4,233,262 km2 / 1,634,472 sq mi). Buses, trams, metros, they're all there for your convenience in every country you go to. The Portuguese and Spaniards led the colonization of the Americas but were soon followed by the French English and Dutch. Schools are but one of many municipal services straining to defray centrally dictated expenses. Cities grow in three directions: in by crowding, up into multi-story buildings, or out toward the periphery. When developers began to create the Country Club Plaza in 1912, they were inspired by the marketplaces of Spain, particularly Seville. First, the path to citizenship in Canada is short and easily traveled. Clan life was nearly extinguished at the battle of Culloden in 1746 when the Scots lost to the English, but today, travelers can enjoy Highland Games, proudly wear their tartans and explore the amazing Scottish countryside. Discover special offers, top stories, Meanwhile, according to a 199G report by the U.S. The slave trade created a trading triangle in between Europe Africa and the Americas. On the other hand, European higher education policy aims to promote social, political, and economic issues. In contrast with the U.S, though, outer rings of European cities also house most of the urban areas for poor people. Paris features a half-scale Eiffel Tower that you can experience as well as replicas of the Arc de Triomphe, La Fontaine des Mers and a Montgolfier balloon. Thats because blocks can have similar shapes but very different areas. (The inhabitants of Manhattan drive fewer vehicle miles per capita than persons who inhabit New Yorks low-density suburbs. However, they tend to be larger than the blocks in Athens. They say that Staten Island and the Bronx have similar fingerprints. Pets are like family members. Unlike the mixedincome housing complexes scattered around London or Paris, U.S. public housing projects further concentrated the urban poor in the inner cities, turning the likes of Chicagos South Side into breeding grounds of social degradation and violence. Few decisions are more consequential for the shape of cities than a societys investments in transportation infrastructure. Although the Reagan administration later lowered these costs, passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 led to a new round of pricey special accommodations in New York and other cities with established transit systems. Spanish explorers set foot in Florida in 1513, led by Juan Ponce de Leon who believed he found the mysterious Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine, America's oldest continuously inhabited European town. The American region is so incredibly divers. The list goes on and on and you could return again and again and still uncover a new place more charming than the first. The expense of heating the equivalent of an average detached U.S. suburban home, and of operating the gigantic home appliances (such as refrigerators and freezers) that substitute for neighborhood stores in many American residential communities, would be daunting to most households in large parts of Europe. Where to stay:Alta Crystal Resort at Mount Rainier. Roomba testers feel misled after intimate images ended up on Facebook, How Rust went from a side project to the worlds most-loved programming language. Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, easily . 2019 will mark 400 years since the beginning of "American" slavery, which began in 1619. The country is one of the most popular in the world, credited for its decadent cuisine (this is where the world's best chefs train, after all), fabulous wine, romantic settings and an array of landscapes. This expansion of influence marked a turning point in history compared to the expansion in the 17th and 16th centuries. The so-called "30 zone" is very common in towns and cities, limiting speed to 30 km/h (18 mph) for noise reduction and child safety. You can enjoy German-style beers year-round in many of the local restaurants and breweries, including Altstadt Brewery (shown), which prides itself on having an "Old World vibe.". When the city was created in 1905, the area was wetlands and marshes that had to be drained. Nevertheless, Manhattans air is often less healthy because the boroughs traffic is unremittingly thick and seldom free-flowing, and more people live amid the fumes.) Why have most European cities remained compact compared to the hyperextended American metropolis? You'll find the story of independence by following the Freedom Trail where a literal red line has been painted along the streets to take you to places that impacted the nation, such as Paul Revere's home and the site of the Boston Tea Party. The above photos come from "Zhen Vision". So suffocating is the extreme concentration of people and functions in the Tokyo area that government planners now view decentralization as a top economic priority. In sum, the diffuse pattern of urban growth in the United States is partly a consequence of particular geographic conditions, cultural characteristics, and raw market forces, but also an accidental outcome of certain government policies. The capital and largest city of Portugal, Lisbon is a vibrant riverfront city that dates back 2,700 years, making it one of the oldest cities in Europe. Of the 3.2 million hectares of vineyards across Europe, 75 percent are found in Spain, France and Italy. -There were many similarities and differences among European, Native American and African societies. In contrast, U.S. urban governments must largely support themselves: They collect two-thirds of their revenues from local sources. Napa and neighboring Sonoma County offer a combined 800 different wineries too many to visit all on one trip. Middle-class city-dwellers fled from these places to less perilous locations in the metropolitan fringe. Characteristics of retail activities located in the CBD -high threshold -long range -serve people who worked in the CBD What attracts services to the CBD It's accessibility An example from the second group is Athens in Greece. A close look can give a picture of the contrasting and the similar features of the two regions. America has its own palatial home and gardens in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Trivia: In Europe, an entree is usually the first course of a meal (the same as an American appetizer). Located outside Wichita, the small town features homes built in a similar style as those in Sweden, Swedish dala (horse) sculptures and Heritage Square, the living history museum that showcases Lindsborgs early days. It notes that some societies had large-scale farming while other societies did not. But in practice, these taxpayers are also being asked to finance plenty of other costly projects, many of which are mandated, but underfunded, by the federal government. Between 1880 and 1900, cities in the United States grew at a dramatic rate. Similarities. London, a megacity of about the same size, had less thani 130. 1. Systems of taxation make a profound difference. Dense cities also require a vibrant economy of neighborhood shops and services. But the rhetorical similarities are superficial because, as we shall further see in examining the German experience, the European and the American approaches to mixed use - past and present - have been quite different. The city was first founded by Quakers in 1682 nearly 100 years before independence. The important distinctions, moreover, have less to do with differing urban programs than with other national policies, the consequences of which are less understood. The first map shows the territory of the United States compared to Europe at the same latitudes. Several of these formative influences differ fundamentally from those that have shaped European cities. To comply with the Department of Transportations rules for retrofitting public buses and subways, New York City estimated in 1980 that it would need to spend more than $1 billion in capital improvements on top of $50 million in recurring annual operating costs. For instance, Brazil. Louf and Barthelemy then go further and study the difference between neighborhoods in a city, which can have dramatically different styles. Because the language barrier isn't a factor, traveling throughout England is easy for Americans, too. The "bald eagle!". But local shopkeepers cannot compete with the regional megastores that are proliferating in Americas metropolitan shopping centers and strip malls. their similarities lie and what makes them so different. Different: Europe's newer houses have more high rises than the U.S. Sector model - Similar: higher-income people cluster in a sector in the Paris region. France, Italy, Austria, Spain, Germany, Portugal the wine regions spread across Europe and bring many travelers who want to visit European countrysides and sample some of the best wines in the world. Most households are not better off when farmers are heavily subsidized, or when anticompetitive practices protect microbusinesses at the expense of larger, more efficient firms. They also share some cultural similarities and have a common history. At issue here, as in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, is not whether provisions for the handicapped are desirable and just. Similarities: 1) Neither set of movements was predictedeven by experts. Owing most of their population growth to the expansion of industry, U.S. cities grew by about 15 million people in the two decades before 1900. Most women work outside the home. Need proof? These cities are composed mostly of small blocks with a broad distribution of shapes. Nearby beach towns along the Atlantic Ocean and wineries provide relaxing getaways. Similarities and Differences between Two Cities. Rural and suburban adults are somewhat more rooted in their local areas, but substantial shares in cities, suburbs and rural areas say they have lived in their communities for more than 10 years. Of its fjords, Sognefjord is its longest, extending more than 127 miles from Jostedalsbreen glacier to Jotunheimen National Park. Virginia is home to numerous wine regions and offers a variety of wine trails, including Monticello Wine Trail's more than 30 vineyards. The fragmented jurisdictional structure in U.S. metropolitan areas, wherein every suburban town or county has control over the use of land, does not adequately explain sprawl either. The post-War suburban ranch home and subsequent American styles have proved to be eminenty flexible in adapting to a rising standard of living. Is it any surprise that Italians would live closer to their urban centers, where they can more easily walk to work or rely on public transportation? The annual Wurstfest features, yes, grilled sausages to be enjoyed as well as German music, a sausage-making contest and even a Weiner dog derby. The UK is famed for its "pub culture," or the socializing and social drinking that happens in its many cozy bars and pubs. For decades, coders wrote critical systems in C and C++. Americas public schools are perhaps the clearest example of a crucial local service that is tottering under the weight of unfunded federal directives. Like Helen, the transformation was more than a new look. It was a part of the progressive social reform movement in North America under the leadership of the upper-middle class concerned with poor living conditions in all major . Multiple restrictions on the penetration and predatory pricing practices of large retailers in various European countries protect small urban businesses. For a wide range of basic functions-including educational institutions, hospitals, prisons, courts, utilities, and so on-the national treasury funds as much as 80 percent of the expense incurred by Englands local councils. More than 46 million people spent a night in the Netherlands in 2019, with many of them snapping pics of its charming windmills and fields of brightly colored tulips, imported from Turkey in the 1600s and now a symbol of the Dutch. America also built a good deal of publicly subsidized rental housing in the postwar years, but chiefly to accommodate the most impoverished city-dwellers. As the Economist noted in a review of the Italian economy, Italys plethora of small firms is as much an indictment of its economy as a triumph: many seem to lack either the will or the capital to keep growing. The lack of will is not surprising; moving from small to midsize or large means taking on employees who are nearly impossible to lay off when times turn bad, and it means saddling a company with costly mandated payroll benefits. While a small percentage of these newcomers were white Americans seeking jobs, most were made up of two groups that had not previously been factors in the urbanization movement: African Americans fleeing the racism of the farms and former plantations in the . Students read a description of the model of a typical Latin American city and complete a table in which they list similarities and differences between the classic models of North American cities and that of a typical Latin American city (see Appendixes A to C). Critics who assume that land regulators in the United States are chronically permissive, whereas Europes growth managers are always scrupulous and smart, ought to contemplate, say, the unsightly new suburbs stretching across the northwestern plain of Florence toward Prato, and then visit Long Islands East End, where it is practically impossible to obtain a building permit along many miles of pristine coastline. Tolerance for homosexuality is widespread in the U.S. and Western Europe, but far more Western Europeans than Americans say homosexuality should be accepted by society; at least eight-in-ten in Spain (91%), Germany (87%), France (86%) and Britain (81%), compared with 60% in the U.S. Ref: A Typology of Street Patterns. It's famous for its fjords, having more fjords in the country than anyplace on Earth nearly 1,200 in total with two appearing on the World Heritage List. Sprawl has continued apace even in places where the American population has grown little or not at all in recent decades. But the Portuguese here today mostly arrived between 1958 and 1990 when immigration laws eased up. European tax structures penalize consumption. A form of metropolitan growth that displaces only bleak and obsolescent urban relics, increasingly discarded by almost everyone, may actually be welfare-enhancing. Every year, we pick the 10 technologies that matter the most right now. Unlike other areas of the United States where heritage remains important to those from other nations, you won't find any festivals celebrating England in Boston. If early on, American transportation planners had followed the British or French budgetary practice of allocating between 40 and GO percent of their transport outlays to passenger railroads and mass transit systems, instead of nearly 85 percent for highways, there is little question that many U.S. cities would be more compressed today. American's like to have a salad course, but this is almost never seen in Europe as salad (if it is being served) will usually be presented alongside the main course. Here are 14 cities in the U.S. that offer a taste of Europe without needing to dig up your passport. Surveys show that the typical American work day is 8.15 hours, compared to 7.42 for British . The city of more than 50 percent Norwegian descent also hosts its Norwegian Heritage Week festival every spring. And, when fall begins to change the color of the leaves, Oktoberfest becomes one of the biggest parties of the South. Norwegian immigrants discovered areas of Washington looked a bit like home, including Poulsbo, founded by Norwegians in the late 1800s. The ability to classify cities in this way will come as something of a revelation to travelers who have long noticed the visual similarities and differences between cities all over the world. French? ), Alexandria is named for John Alexander, a Scotsman who had owned much of the land. Different continents have cities with different characteristics. Big, fast, and violent The more important contrasts in urban development between America and Europe lie elsewhere. newer interpretations of the North American city. Nearly two decades ago, Mayor Koch detailed in The Public Interest what he called the millstone of some 47 unfunded mandates. Its empty seats and colossal operating deficits are no secret. more time. On a per capita basis, residents of Milan make an average of 350 trips a year on public transportation; people in San Diego make an average of 17. These German chalets provide a picturesque backdrop on a trip to Southwest Germany, where more than 8.5 million visit each year. London (5130N . Originally a timber town incorporated in 1906, it was also facing extinction when town planners in the 1960s thought to create a Bavarian town in the Pacific Northwest. Most European countries have much more worker-friendly labor laws than . Is it Florida or Barcelona? 100. The list goes on: Social policies either do not exist in America or are way more miserly than in Europe. Fully funding all of Washingtons many social mandates with national tax dollars would mean, as in much of Europe, a more centralized and bloated welfare state. The researchers then plot the distribution of block shapes for a given city. Even Though the way Europeans treated the native populations were similar in their enslavement . Brooklyn and the Queens also have unique signatures reflecting the shape of the rectangles that make up their grid-like structure. And this does not count the hundreds of federal court orders and agency rulings that micromanage, and often drain, local resources. It has been ordered to tear up 45 stations and install bumpy tiles along platform edges to accommodate the sight impaired, a multi-million dollar effort. In 1997, incidents of violent crime inside Washington, D.C., for instance, were six times more frequent than in the citys suburbs. But the same was true in much of Europe, where entire cities were reduced to rubble by the war and had to be rebuilt from ground zero. You'll see other similarities between Lisbon and San Francisco, from the cable cars, hilly terrain and water views to the pastel-colored buildings and colorful museums. In the south, the port city of Charleston was founded in 1670. City's importance depends upon the size, location, and structure of the area. The Biltmore, built for George Washington Vanderbilt, is the largest home in the United States at 175,000 square feet. The US values are comparable to those of the European countries (Robbins & Sage Publications, 2007). with Latin America? Giant steins and mugs are filled with the brew during the annual Oktoberfest celebration, which was created by a Bavarian prince (later king) in 1810. The capital and largest city of Portugal, Lisbon is a vibrant riverfront city that dates back 2,700 years, making it one of the oldest cities in Europe. The relationship of U.S. state governments to their local communities is roughly analogous to that of Europes unitary regimes to their respective local entities. At the time of settlement, the new American colonies were enamored with the French, who helped in their battle against England during the Revolution. But three things are known. The old-world charm remains complete in what is now Old Town Alexandria. Third, there is a strong correlation between city crime rates and the flight of households and businesses to safer jurisdictions. The reason why it is called Tianjin means "the ferry of the son of heaven". Around 26% of residents live in cities with populations between 1 million and 5 million, and around 14% of Europeans live in cities with populations of over 5 million. Americans buy enormous bottles of shampoo, for example while those sizes do not even exist in Europe. Answer (1 of 16): Similarities: * Citizens can live and work were they want within the Union * Citizens have to be treated the same by a state, regardless of their homestate * Free movement of goods and money * Open boarder without boarder control (in Shengen area) * Common currency (dolla. The Dutch of the Netherlands settled along the shores of Lake Michigan in 1847, naming their village after their homeland. Thats because the topology captures the connectedness of a city but nothing about the scale or geometry of the layout. Other cities are rated and ranked based on their economic, cultural, and political importance to the areas they serve. The love of beer extends to the World Expo of Beer that the town hosts every year. Residence Inn Alexandria Old Town/Duke Street, Holiday Inn Orlando Disney Springs Area. It rivaled contemporary European cities in size. Similarities between U.S.A. & Italy. ), so perhaps you would like to contrast Anglo America (USA, Canada, Jamaica, Belize, etc.) Where to stay:The Inn on Biltmore Estate. With three and half million square miles of territory, the United States has had much more space over which to spread its settlements. Our seemingly unbounded suburbanization has also blighted central cities that possess irreplaceable architectural and historic assets. More specifically, in the predominant value model ( Schwartz, 1992) 10 value types are distinguished: power, achievement, hedonism, stimulation, self-direction, universalism, benevolence, tradition, conformity, and security. New York's population density compares more to Lyon, France than it does to Paris. Chinese civilization seems to be tied to a brand of highly developed agriculture, which confined itself almost exclusively to the plains and valleys. You may be thinking, "What do Kansas City and Spain have to do with one another?" While much of the United States was colonized by the English, Louisiana was French territory (named for its king) beginning in 1682. A French-Creole language remains spoken across the city and state to this day. Speaking of the Azores, this archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean is in fact part of Portugal. They both display great ethnic diversity, impressive transportation infrastructure, high socioeconomic status, and sprawl.