There can be trouble with the eyesight. There is military and martial aptitude, bringing honor and favors. The nature is often unpredictable, with a tendency to fantasize. This star gives artistic talent, writing ability, popularity, scientific and occult ability, and is often prominent in the charts of astrologers. Another big difference from Earth Venus rotates on its axis backward, compared to most of the other planets in the solar system. The similarities to Earth in size and mass produce a similarity in density5.24 grams per cubic centimetre for Venus, compared with 5.52 for Earth. 8-9, 21-22 degrees = fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) 4 and 17 degrees = mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) How to Interpret Degrees. If it falls in the middle degrees (14 to 16), you'll feel very much in tune and entrenched with the vibe and purpose of your Venus sign. There can be keen insight, strong ambition, and a harshly judgmental nature. Abraham Lincoln and we can see immediately that the AC is sitting right on 22 degrees. Phosphine, a possible indicator of microbial life, has been observed in the clouds. Good for military, successful warriors, ability for leadership and command. on the chart we would most likely find the 22 degrees in many charts. This star makes one artistic, with a talent for poetry, and the occult and healing ability. There is a considerate and harmonious nature, which is good for relationships. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Check out my Pluto in Aquarius predictions for all the signs here. Run your birth chart to see if you belong to the Erotica 5Club. 6 Degrees of Cardinal signs: Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, and Aries indicates a possible physical disability, and to a lesser extent, especially if the planet occupies the first house, is prominent and/or other factors in the chart support this. The affairs ruled by the planets, the affairs ruled by the houses ruled by the planets, or by the houses these degrees are on point to something of the above-mentioned occurring in the life of the chart owner. If it falls in the middle degrees (14 to 16), you'll feel very much in tune and entrenched with the vibe and purpose of your Venus sign. Antares; 9 degrees of Sagittarius One point to the 22 degree is to be killed, degree team. Chart of Christina Grimmie, a singer who was also murdered by a fan during a concert. The personality can be eccentric and unusual in some way. Go figure. The Venus Star Point and Haumea, the Merging of Two Goddesses. NOTE: Conjunction is a very specific aspect. In the second part of this piece, I will show some celebrity charts (and serial killer charts) who killed another human being. The king of Soul was also shot dead during a kidnapping. 13 and 26 Degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn give special importance to the planet/s or house cusps occupying the degree. This star can bring good fortune, and is favorable for spiritual pursuits and meditation. ACHERNAR - [15 degrees of Pisces] Betelgeuse brings wealth, honors, fame and fortune. On Sunday (Jan.22) the planets Saturn and Venus will make a close approach to each other in the night sky, separated by no more than the width of a finger. I hope by now people who are desperately scared of the 22 degree can see that it doesnt guarantee being killed. There can be wealth and honors, along with fortune and fame. A love of dogs, but there can be danger from their bites. On another note = look at that massive stellium in the 1st house! Achievement comes through personal efforts. Scientists think its possible some volcanoes are still active. (2218 GMT) at around 14 degrees over . Watcher of the South. There can be wealth and honors, along with fortune and fame. do laundry when they're short on time, and make sure that the home you share with anyone a partner, a roomie, family feels tranquil, cozy, and secure. ARCTURUS - [23 degrees of Libra] This was about the time I started feeling really bad for these people. Bold, confident, stubborn, sudden wealth, position of high command, danger from reptiles, an adventuresome risk taker. JUPITER is greatness; it magnifies everything it touches, The 12th House symbolizes prisons, self-imprisonment, xenophobia, and "hidden enemies," the enemies we are not conscious of, The 22nd degree of any sign points to literal and figurative death, killings, and perhaps a wish for immortality. The meaning of the 29th degree The environment of the Pisces sign makes the significances of this planet thrive. You'll bake cookies for your friend who just had her appendix out, help your S.O. These people are often exploitive of others. Mercury is just 12 degrees from the Sun in the sky, so it is difficult to see. On a bad day, because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and might exhibit childish, immature, and self-centric behavior your instinct could be to put "me" above "we.". There can be misfortune, possible suicide, drowning, one's being murdered, along with rapidly gaining and also losing friends. A team is tracking storms across parts of the U.S. in two NASA planes to help understand the inner workings of winter storms. This is a very strong degree of alcoholism. Try finding a good, unobstructed view of the horizon. If we would put all the asteroids etc. These people are usually sociable. This marks the end of a cycle and is often considered the "degree of faith.". The marriage can be unfortunate, and in some cases, the loss of the partner through death. No sign of the 22 degree. . Spica is a great benefactor to any planet it is conjunct. Sean Connery, How does this degree manifest in horoscopes of common people? When conjunct the descendent, violence can come from others, especially the lover or marriage partner. There can be connections with poisons. Actually star, your Uranus and 12th house are in the 23rd degree and your Venus is in the 22nd degree. Venus is exalted in Pisces because it is a spiritual planet of love that feels most comfortable in the environment of unconditionally caring Pisces zodiac sign. In some cases, there can be cruelty and premeditated crime. You want to be appreciated for all the minutiae, tasks, and chores you take on feeling seen is the fast track to your heart. The closest we can see to the difficult degree are MC on 21 degrees and 40 minutes. I must say, the correlation is slim at best with this degree and to kill or to be killed. Abraham Lincoln WikipediaAbraham Lincoln (; February 12, 1809 April 15, 1865) was an American lawyer and statesman who served as the The natal Venus is, therefore, conjunct the Solar Return Ascendant, and one can presume that the condition and issues surrounding the individual's natal Venus will be highlighted (effectively coming to the fore . During the 1960s,, Abraham Lincoln WikipediaAbraham Lincoln (; February 12, 1809 April 15, 1865) was an American lawyer and statesman who served as the, Tara Correa-McMullen WikipediaTara Correa-McMullen (born Tara McMullen; May 24, 1989 October 21, 2005) was an American actress. 5 of Erotica [Air signs are communication]. Conjunctions and oppositions are the only aspects that matter, with conjunctions being most important. The anaretic degree occurs when a planet is at 29 degrees in a sign, which is the last placement of the sign before a planet moves into the next sign. In the end, it was not the northern tribe of Fu that destroyed himit was his second son, whose name was Fu. On the upside, it can bestow athletic ability. Primarily made of dust and ice, many have a tail (coma) and are thought to be remnants of the formation of the Solar System. The reason I even have it on the chart is that I use it for natal work. Aldebaran; 9 degrees of Gemini If Bellatrix is in conjunction with the midheaven, one may be a swindler or forger. The animation is not supported by your device/browser. It also goes retrograde every 18 months. This star indicates a loss in some area, both natally and in prediction. In predictive astrology, what has begun is subject to change. UNUKALHAI - [21 degrees of Scorpio] Venus has a thick, toxic atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide and its perpetually shrouded in thick, yellowish clouds of sulfuric acid that trap heat, causing a runaway greenhouse effect. Jupiter is close to the Sun and can only be seen shortly after sunset. Very close to Sun, hard or impossible to see. The character is adventuresome, brutal, perverse, and reckless. RIGEL - [16 Degrees of Gemini] Prominent planets on this degree are also seen in the charts of religious and spiritual reformers. Restless energy flowing through me. It can increases and amplify whatever planet it conjuncts. Very Fortunate Jupiter/ Mars. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius): 8-9 and 21-22 degrees. Mata Hari ARCTURUS - [23 degrees of Libra] 2 of Supreme Power These people often obtain positions of power, along with success, and have leadership ability. Lets look at another serial killer just to be sure. A cosmic shake-up arrives on April 11 as Venus leaves grounded Taurus and enters intellectual Gemini. Lack of control, violence, unethical, subject to imprisonment and tragedy. A tragic story where he was shot in his sleep by his own wife. On another note, with that 10th house Pisces stellium and Sun in the 10th = can probably see quite clearly what her job was. Singer Selena. This is a degree of karmic completion, and people with this degree usually appear to be "old souls.". It also brings sorrowful events with something to cry about. 29 Degrees of all signs bring about the ending of events in the life, such as relationships, leaving a place of residence and so forth with predictive astrology, such as solar and lunar returns. Bellatrix brings military and other honors which can end in disaster. Watcher of the North. He has Mars Rx in his natal chart at 23 Aries opposite Venus at 22 Libra. There can be possible injuries to the face. ACULEUS - [25 degrees into Sagittarius] from skyfield . Fahrah Fawcett One's life is often full of changes, along with living on the edge. These stars can also be prominent in magick. There can be a tendency to having spinal problems. Was at Thai boxing class and my energy was off the scale! One of the most brutal ones, the chart of comedian, actor Phil Hartman. The following interpretations concern when a fixed star is conjunct a planet in one's chart or an angle or is prominent. Being born with Venus in the analytical, supercommunicator earth sign Virgo means wanting to be of service to those you care about. Capricorn Degree (10, 22 degrees) Capricorn values hard work enjoys success and prestige and handles obstacles well . There is an aptitude for quick decision-making. Jupiter will shine at magnitude -2.1 and Venus . Watcher of the West Dont take things so literally. There is often strong intuition, along with a brilliant mind, and much creative talent. Watcher of the South. UNUKALHAI - [21 degrees of Scorpio] Mar. This star can bring troubles, as it is conjunct 15 degrees. On March 31, 2019, Hussle was shot at least 10 times in the parking lot of his store, Marathon Clothing, in South Los Angeles at 3:18 p.m. Nipsey Hussle WikipediaErmias Joseph Asghedom (August 15, 1985 March 31, 2019), known professionally as Nipsey Hussle (often stylized There is a tendency to be a loner. 0 -1 Degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are beginnings subject to change. Venus's mean radius is 6,051.8 km (3,760.4 miles), or about 95 percent of Earth's at the Equator, while its mass is 4.87 10 24 kg, or 81.5 percent that of Earth. Copyright 2002, 2005, 2013, Joy of Satan Ministries; Library of Congress Number: 12-16457 About once a year, Venus spends time in the exact spot where it was in when you were born, which is referred to as your Venus return.