Links. Self Defense Instruction & Equipment Martial Arts Instruction. Kids Evening Martial Arts Classes. South Dakota Ever since my child started, We go to a different ATA school but we come here for competitions. "> SINCE THE MID NINTIES. It also encompasses blocks, defensive maneuvers, stances, locks, holds, ground fighting, and weapon usage. We utilize our arms and hands more than our legs and feet, and becoming proficiently fast and powerful at striking an opponent with punches can be very effective at protecting ourselves. Learn more about Trio and its advantages here: Kung Fu students learn a wide array of strikes, as well as more specific self defense and even lethal techniques. Self-Defense Instructor, Diana Strong. The average male attacker will be bigger, stronger, and faster than the average female, and its important for females to prepare for any situation that may occur. Connecticut 3506 Krems-Hollenburg, <18;50;20 SGT. In addition to striking, Karate teaches stances, timing, blocks, defensive maneuvers, and some styles teach grappling, ground fighting, locks and holds, and weapons. Trio, a three-point self defense ring fits this description perfectly and can complement a kickboxes powerful arsenal of hand strikes with a sharp hand-mounted weapon. Advanced students who study Kung Fu for a long time will be skilled in various fighting styles and trained to take on virtually any type of dangerous situation. Muay Thai, our number 2 self defense class for women, means the art of 8 limbs and originated in Thailand. Even if a female Muay Thai student had only been training for one year, she would have built up a large variety of strikes, defensive maneuvers, and most importantly muscle memory. Striking allows women to quickly and powerfully impact an attacker from a distance to disable or at the very least stun him. Taekwondo schools place a significant importance on "breaking boards" rather than real life sparring with partners. Kickboxing focuses on Kicking and Boxing for its fighting techniques, which are striking with the hands/arms and feet/legs. Practicality and effectiveness of fighting style is the most important criteria for a female self defense class. A jab or hook to the assailant's face would be a great initial move to stun or incapacitate him. WebSelf-Defense Classes. There are 20 spots available in the course, which is exclusively for women living or working in Woonsocket. Muay Thai lacks grappling and ground fighting which are important aspects of self defense for women. Alaska