The leaves are compound with 3-5 leaflets (rarely 7) 4-10 inches long, 1 to 2 inches wide and are bright green with large green teeth. Almond farming is very profitable, when done right of course. The average Almond yield per hectare is more than 1.3 to 1.5 of shelled products. A farm in San Joaquin County, California.. Superfood fans are going nuts for eco-friendly pistachios rich in Whether grown for their spectacular springtime flowers, their health-giving nuts or both, almond trees shine as home-garden additions. Plant a few nut trees in your landscape and enjoy the ornamental attraction, as well as the tasty produce of mature specimens. It is for these reasons that almond nut production in the United States occurs mainly in California. The trees take 5 - 12 years to start flowering and producing fruit. They generally tolerate acidic, neutral, and alkaline soils. It also removes branches growing in the working space between rows of trees. Then, a harvester or pickup machine moves over the rows, vacuuming the nuts into a cart that takes them to the edge of the orchard to take them to the next stop on their journey. An almond farmer considers uprooting his trees to put up solar panels. The Southwestern White Pine has become a favored pine tree to plant in its range due to its beauty and effectiveness as a windbreak. Crack the shells of a few to find out whether the edible seeds within are hard or rubbery. From March to July, the Almond kernels increase in size. The Engelmann prefers deep rich soil and adequate moisture. A: The quick answer is - not well. How long do almond trees take to produce fruit? August 3, 2022 by Sam Beresford. Cracking the shell frees the brown seed ("nut") that we eat. Their delicate flowers are the first signs of spring, meanwhile the nuts (fruit seed) are ripe for harvest at the very end of summer. They contain a toxin called Glycoside amygdalin which is broken down into hydrogen cyanide and other compounds when eaten. Other Common Names: Narrowleaf Willow, Saltcedar, Almond Leaf Willow, Almond Willow, Average Size at Maturity: 35-50 ft tall and 25-35 ft wide. The tree has brown or gray bark and either an erect or weeping growth habit depending on the variety. A determined grower could probably grow just about anything but we really do not have the optimal conditions for the almond tree to produce abundantly. How to Grow and Care for Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes, How to Grow and Care for Little-Leaf Linden, How to Grow and Care for Dwarf Flowering Almond, How to Grow and Care for 'Early Harvest' Apple Tree, How to Grow and Care for Grapefruit Trees, Dwarf Fruit Trees You Can Grow in Small Yards, How to Grow and Care for Chicago Hardy Fig, How To Grow and Care For Japanese Zelkova Trees, How to Grow and Care for Yucca Brevifolia (Joshua Tree), 19 Flowering, Fruiting Trees and Shrubs From the Prunus Genus, 10-15 ft. tall and wide; some grow 25 ft. tall, Slightlyacidicto neutral to slightly alkaline. California produces about 80% of the worlds supply of nuts, which farmers have spent years learning to produce more with less water. They can be found on the Pacific coast from British Columbia down to central California, and in the Rocky Mountains down to Arizona and Texas. No, almond trees cannot grow anywhere. They work well planted as a living fence and are a beloved native tree of CO and beyond. Basic fungal sprays are applied during bloom time in February. With proper care, you can harvest edible nuts from your almond tree. Problems with Sycamores. Be careful when placing the taproot into the hole, but make sure it's laying firmly at the bottom for support. As a result, when new shoots are 8 12 inches tall, growers select the strongest and straightest as leaders and pinch the growing tips of competing shoots. Delicious, nutritious almonds come from the fruit of the almond tree, which is native to the Middle East and South Asia and a relative to peach, apricot, and other stone fruit trees. Like many crops, Almond cultivation requires cross-pollination. All Rights Reserved. This full-size almond tree is suitable for cultivation in Zones 6 to 9. Almond Trees | LoveToKnow Almond growers must facilitate bee cross-pollination activity by eliminating all competing blooming weeds during the Almond flowering period. Do They Symbolise Anything? This lovely tree makes an attractive addition to the . Measure a circle about 3 times larger than the trees rootball for each plant. International demand for Almonds has increased recently and spurred significant crop growth in California. The needles are green-blue/silver-blue with an extremely sharp point and a faint white line. Occasionally, trees in the wild can be spotted with a non-conventional form. However, almond trees are normally tolerant of acidic and alkaline soil. Apply this fertilizer along the drip line of the tree. If you grow the trees in the garden, make sure you plant them in a sunny area. The Thinleaf Alder is the most common Alder of the Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada, and the east side of the Cascades. Add soil nutrients and amendments to your existing soil. Almond trees should be grown in sandy, well-drained soil similar to those found in the Mediterranean. Almond trees do not tolerate any frost so make sure to plant it in the spring or early fall. It can be identified by its broad, dense, pyramidal shape and branches that grow horizontally from the ground. Our guidelines zone in on which zones they are and on almond cultivars that thrive in each. Landrace Gardening, author Native hybrid hazelnuts provide a crop that is consistently in short supply, well known by consumers, and nearly grow themselves. The bark is thin, light brown, and features many scales. It can also be found growing near canyons, valleys, and in the lower parts of the Colorado and Rio Grande river valleys. Leafrollers are another pest that eats the buds of almond trees. As an example, average winter lows in zone 7a are 30F (16.8C) higher than those in zone 4a, and 25 (14C) higher than those in zone 4b. A good tree in good health can produce macadamia nuts for 40 years. Reduction irrigation is a method of reducing a trees water needs without necessarily affecting the crop. Almond Orchards in California: Healthy or Hazardous? - State of the Planet Distribute the roots evenly around the base of the tree, and bury it to the top of its roots with the rest of the soil and compost mixture. The Rocky Mountain Juniper will adapt to many different dry soil types but wont tolerate the humidity of high nighttime temperatures. For those of you like us, living in Florida, we experience growing zones 8-10 with some of the Keys falling into 11. The coldest winters occur in zone 1 (parts of Alaska) and the warmest in zone 13 (parts of Hawaii). Water regularly, especially in the first year after planting. They can be found in areas with long cold winters and short cool summers. As you move from zone 1 up the scale, the average minimum winter temperature for each zone increases 10F (5.6C). Almond trees in south? - Easy, Fun, & Fulfilling Gardening If any lower branches grow vigorously during the growing season, the practice is to pinch off the growing point. Almonds are grown primarily in Kern, Merced, Fresno, Madera, Stanislaus, and San Joaquin counties in the San Joaquin Valley and Butte and Colusa counties in the Sacramento Valley. Almond trees drop their leaves seasonally. Almond trees can survive winter in USDA hardiness zones 7 through 9, while some cold-hardy varieties can even be overwintered in regions as cold as zone 5. Rocky Mountain Maple (Acer glabrum) Flowering Tree, 10 Best Trees for Colorado (Ornamental & Functional Types), 7 Best High Altitude Fruit Trees To Grow in Colorado, 6 White Bark Trees in Colorado (Add Beauty Year-Round), 8 Best Shade Trees for Colorado Yards (Front & Rear), 13 Willow Trees in Colorado (Popular Types to Grow in CO). Texas A&M University advises that the planting area be prepared in the winter and then the planting should take place in mid to late February. So Christine Gemperl knew this would be a challenging year for her Almond crop. Orchards grow multiple varieties of Almonds, and beekeepers bring beehives into orchards to provide the missing piece of the puzzle. Although you wont be able to grow Almonds here in western Pennsylvania, plenty of delicious, hardy nut trees are perfect for our climate. Where do almond trees grow best? Each variety of Almonds is harvested separately, so this process usually happens two to three times per orchard. It grows best in zones 7 through 9. Almond trees grow best in soil with a pH level between 6 and 7, but don't worry if you don't find it perfect. Colorados varied climates and altitudes pose a problem for many gardeners and tree farmers. Cork Bark Fir (Abies lasiocarpa arizonica), 11. When Thomas isnt hiking in nature he can be found playing music, reading a book, or eating fruit under a tree. Dig deep enough to place the level of the trees rootballs slightly above the level of the surrounding soil. Protect your tree from diseases. How many Almond farms are there in the US? Rapid urbanization in the state is reducing biodiversity as habitat is removed for building and road construction. Another type to consider is 'Garden Prince', a self-pollinating almond tree that grows 10 to 12 feet tall; however, it is cold-hardy only to zone 8. The warm-up awakens dormant buds; by February, the flowers are ready for pollination. The 2012 version of the Hardiness Zone map has 13 zones, each divided into two sub-zones labeled a and b. The White Fir will grow in a wide variety of conditions but does best when given some protection. Once the spring rains stop and the weather warms, farmers begin irrigating their fields to support the crop, taking great care to ensure that the water should be used efficiently. Remove your almond tree from its nursery pot and set it into its planting hole. What grows and what is suitable to plant in this mountainous state is often dictated by your elevation above sea level. . Check the level of moisture by digging a very small test hole near the base of a nut tree. When spacing between trees or between a tree and a structure, provide at least 7.5 feet. Work these into the topsoil with a garden tiller to provide a rich blend for your nut trees. Remember that newly planted stemmed tree. As a result, the trees will produce leaves (leaves) and small nuts that eventually become the Almonds we eat. Rocky Mountain Birch (Betula occidentalis), 10. Pest and Disease Almond Trees may Suffer from. Almond Trees (Possible in zone 5b ?) (trees forum at permies) How to grow an almond tree - BBC Gardeners World Magazine After gathering the almonds, they must be dried properly, or else they can become moldy. Almond Tree Guide: How to Plant and Grow an Almond Tree - 2023 - MasterClass Home & Lifestyle Almond Tree Guide: How to Plant and Grow an Almond Tree Written by MasterClass Last updated: Jun 7, 2021 5 min read Plant an almond tree if you want to grow almonds and have an impressive ornamental tree. 21 Colorado Native Trees to Grow 1. Drying requires several steps: Many growers of almond trees opt for maintenance pruning. The soil should be well-draining, sandy, loamy or clay soil and have a 6 and 7 pH level. If creating a screen, space the shrubs about 3 feet apart. In United States, the perfect climate for growing almond trees can be found in Central California. Idaho has at least one English oak and one northern red oak, as well as the Boise bur oak, which is not indigenous to the state. Other Common Names: Bam, Bamtree, Eastern Balsam, Hackmatack, Tacamahac Poplar, Tacamahaca, Average Size at Maturity: 36-72 ft tall and 25-40 ft wide. Fungal infections, such as canker, can kill the tree. Can Almonds Grow In The Midwest? If your Almond tree absorbs more sun, you will get better blooms. If you are interested in growing almond trees, here are some key points to consider: Climate: Almond trees prefer warm, dry climates with mild winters and hot, dry summers. In an Almond trees first year, endeavour to flood the tree with water once each week. Almond Tree: Growing Your Favorite Snack - Epic Gardening 21 Native Colorado Trees to Plant or Admire in the Wild, 7. Douglas Firs can be found in the foothills and montane zones of CO. Its an evergreen coniferous tree with a conical dense crown on young trees that becomes flat and broad with age. amara) that is used, for example, to flavor certain liqueurs. Till deeply into the soil so that the roots can strike down deep. Theyre shiny green on the upper side and pale green below. On the other hand, insecticides are mainly applied in summer to protect the crop from pests and marine orange moths. In case you missed it: Organic Almond Farming -Production In India. The twigs are stout, brown, and slightly angled. Therefore, the Almond industry is growing rapidly in the US. The Gambel Oak is a small tree with a rounded crown or a small clump shrub that sometimes forms thickets. can almond trees grow in colorado - Where do almond trees grow in the US? - Almond trees need full sun and well-draining loam soil to thrive. By February, frost leaves and temps settle between 55 to 60F (12.7 to 15.5C). What Are The Differences Between Plants Nutrients. Almond Trees: How to Grow and Care for Them - Al Ardh Alkhadra This type of fir has a narrowly conical crown and a gray to reddish-brown bark that is thin and scaly and peels off easily. In zones 6 and lower, late spring frosts may damage or kill buds and blooms. Shelling Almonds mainly refers to removing the shell to reveal the seed. Can Almond Trees Grow Anywhere? Let us discuss places where this tree thrives and why it thrives there. Almonds (Prunus dulcis) were one of the first domesticated fruit trees, initially appearing in archaeological sites from around 5,000 years ago.They spread rapidly throughout the Mediterranean, and became a staple of different cultures and diets from Spain to Persia. Colorado has some of the best bur oak trees in the country. Increase the nutrients in these soils by adding compost and mulch. The kind found in nut bowls and dessert recipes is the sweet almond (Prunus dulcis), but there is also a bitter almond (Prunus dulcis var. Almond Tree Guide: How to Plant and Grow an Almond Tree Do not loosen or disturb the soil beneath this level. How fast do almond trees grow? For almond trees to thrive, they need full sun they require a minimum of six hours of sunlight every day. For the most part, almond trees are not self-fertile, as are some trees that bear edible fruit: You will need two or more cultivars for pollination, and they can't be just any cultivars (flowering times have to line up). Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Consequently, farmers often plant one row of pollinating-type trees for every three rows of main species. Pollination is the trickiest part of growing almond trees for a crop of nuts. Leaves are light to dark green and the cones are a waxy shade of blue that attracts many different species of local birds. These places should have temperatures between 59 and 86 Fahrenheit.1. By leaving the almond tree's main branches intact, the inner branches can be pruned to keep the canopy of the tree open to sunlight. As the trees bloom, bees forage pollen and nectar in the garden. Almond . Almond trees thrive best in USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 8, growing up to 20 feet tall. Can almond trees grow in Florida? - TimesMojo Copyright 2023, AgriFarming | All Rights Reserved. It can provide shade and improve the look of your garden. All-in-One, (zones 8-9; 400 chilling hours) is a semi-dwarf, self-pollinating tree that wants lots of summer heat. Gently tamp down to remove air pockets. A smart way to avoid having to plant different cultivars for pollination purposes is to select a self-fertile variety. Another option is 'Penta,' a Spanish cultivar grown commercially in Europe. But this tree detests frost. Almond trees would only grow in places that have certain conditions. Is almond grown in Nigeria? Farmers handle the problem with pesticides. After planting, water your tree thoroughly every three weeks; but in hot weather water it once each week. Quaking Aspens are slim trees, making them perfect for narrow spaces on the north sides of homes as they are hardy down to the coldest mountain zones. Almond trees thrive in Mediterranean climate conditions. The needles are flattened and radially arranged and are bright green/yellow and grooved above. In the United States, those zones are the Southeastern states, the Southwest, the coastlines of Washington, Texas, Oregon, California to the west and finally up the coast to Massachusetts in the east. During this time, it is essential to give the Almond trees enough nutrients before dormancy, so they are ready to push buds when they bloom in February. Non-Pareil Almond trees bloom first, and the fruit ripens earlier than other types of Almond trees. Mission Almonds have hard shells; their kernels are small, broad, and plump. Lay a tarp down ahead of time to catch the almonds as they fall to make pick-up easier. Trees can have single or multiple trunks giving way to an open and often spreading canopy. Purchase nut tree varieties labeled for growth in your Colorado climate zone. Because of Californias mild winters, Almonds are more successful in this state than in other western states such as Arizona or New Mexico. Average Size at Maturity: 12-36 ft tall and 15-20 ft wide. A 5F (2.8C) difference separates winter lows between sub-zones. This is the shell that we crack with a nutcracker to get to the edible part. Almond trees thrive in zones 7 through 9. The most widely grown variety of Almonds is the non-pearl, which accounts for 45% of the total production. The Colorado Blue Spruce will grow in a variety of soil types, including acidic, loamy, sandy, and clay well-drained soils. Avoid placing nut trees in narrow valleys or near the bottom of slopes and hills. The average healthy and mature almond tree can produce about 3 mendous 50 to 65 pounds or 23 to 30 kgs of nuts. Other popular Almond tree locations include Texas, Arizona, and Florida. The majority of plant life resides in the Plains Life Zone in Eastern Colorado at 3,500 to 5,500 feet. Soil: Almond trees need well-draining soil to thrive. With increasing concerns over drought, water, and climate change, underground irrigation will become more popular in California. The Pion Pine is a slow grower, which eventually develops a crown as wide as it is tall. From August to October, mechanical tree shakers harvest the Almond crop by shaking it vigorously into the ground. Four varieties account for 85 percent of all Almonds grown in California. Pruning young trees helps them develop the desired shape and branch structure. The above conditions are helpful to starting Almond farming in the USA. The Thinleaf Alder is a broadleaf, deciduous tree or multi-stemmed shrub with a rounded form. Mycotoxins can lead to digestive disorders and liver tumors. The branches are spreading to ascending. Which country produces the best quality Almonds? Leaving lower branches on a young tree helps it grow faster by maintaining its photosynthetic area. The LORD created our lives to have seasons, like King Solomon wrote. Typically, Boxelder is found at elevations between 4,500 and 7,500 ft. Boxelder is a fast growing tree and is tolerant of drought, heat, and cold, and for this reason, is often planted as a shade tree in rural areas. The kernels skin is usually darker and more wrinkled than the non-pearl, which increases salt and flavor retention. In United States, the perfect climate for growing almond trees can be found in Central California. They survive, but look tremendously unimpressed with Colorado. Depending on the variety, the Almond tree blooms from late winter to early spring (during February in the US). They attract bees, insects, and other beneficial wildlife. Make sure this cut is parallel to the ground. Where do almond trees grow in Florida? The average price per ton in New York and Washington is US$6018.01. Can you grow an almond tree in Ontario? In case you missed it: Almond Seed Germination, Time, Temperature (Badam). While looking at the flowers, it will also transfer pollen to other trees of different species, usually located 20-30 feet away. While there are a variety of pruning options to help these plants stay healthy through the winter, pruning is the best option. The Gambel Oak can be found on dry hills, slopes, and canyons at lower elevations and foothills, in rocky-based, calcareous, sandy, sandy-loams, medium loams, and clay-loams. The leaves are oblong/ovate, simple and broadly elliptic, dull green on both sides with a doubly dentate margin. Almond trees prefer full sun; it requires at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. Choose varieties, such as black walnut and pinion, which flourish in many Colorado locations. The almond tree size reaches 10-15 feet tall. Almond trees are relatively drought tolerant, but it's best to provide plenty of water to produce a suitable harvest. The leaves are opposite, simple with 3-5 lobes occasionally divided into 3 leaflets (in moist areas) and are coarsely double-toothed, blue below and green on the upper side. Determine which climate zone in which you reside. It is not difficult to grow almond trees and harvest their nuts as long as you have the right kind of climate and are armed with a few critical growing tips. Aim for about 3 to 4 inches of water per week, or enough to keep the soil moist. Another benefit of using Colorado native trees in landscapes is that they attract a wide variety of wildlife including mammals, birds, and butterflies. The flowering period is highly dependent on weather conditions and can range from 4 to 30 or more days (the average flowering period is 25 days). Can Almond Trees Grow Indoors [And How To]? (Quick Guide For Beginners You can do this by leaving them on the ground for a few days after shaking them or storing them somewhere cool and dry. Otherwise, look out for aphids and scale that produce honeydew (insect waste), which in turn attracts ants to the tree. We've had the avocado and the almond - now pistachios are set to become the latest superfood fad. Continue flooding the tree at least once every two weeks no matter the amount of rain or drought. can almond trees grow in colorado. Also known as simply the Texas Almond, this beloved favorite produces very sweet nuts that are quite meaty. Deficit irrigation is mainly applied after Almond kernels reach full size (in July) and can save 20% of water requirements during this period. The Peachleaf Willow is a fast-growing deciduous small to medium tree with weeping branches. With a low level of chips or scratches (5-15%), only 1% of kernels must be split, and the sample contains less than 0.05% foreign material. Although this increased pollination costs for many growers, the high demand for Almonds from the United States created an incentive to move bees to California. More growers are expected to abandon. These methods are also more efficient in reducing or eliminating water evaporation when irrigation is applied to the soil surface. Other Common Names: Subalpine Fir, Alpine Fir, Balsam Fir, White Fir, Rocky Mountain Fir, White Balsam, Average Size at Maturity: 40-66 ft tall and 12-18 ft wide. However, varieties are known as Mission and Halls Hardy bloom later and can reward you with a crop of Almonds in the fall. The root system is deep and wide so avoid planting near wells etc. The Foothills Life Zone occurs from 5,500 to 8,000 feet and features dryland shrubs. The Colorado Blue Spruce is the state tree of Colorado and does well in metropolitan areas. The bark is smooth when young and is yellow-green to light gray, becoming thick and deeply furrowed as it ages. Mature and properly cared for trees can produce fruit . Almond trees need ample room to grow because they can grow up to 30 feet in height. It should also have at least five feet of topsoil. Find the best area on your property for planting your nut trees. Almond Tree Guide How to Plant And Grow Disease Resistant. When the leaves disappear for the winter, you can enjoy the beautiful cream color of the bark. Almonds are water-guzzlers, needing around two liters of water for each kernel. Chlorpyrifos, which the Pesticide Action Network found in 35.7 percent of the almonds it studied is so dangerous to brain development that activists groups in California are seeking to ban its use completely (via North State Public Radio ). Fast-Growing: The oak tree is one of the fastest growing trees in Colorado. While almonds are more profitable than some other crops, almond trees require years of growing and watering before farmers can truly recoup their investment [6]. Almond trees are similar to peaches in size and growing requirements. The fruit of the Lodgepole Pine is brown shiny serotinous cones (meaning they need the extreme heat of a fire to open) They are 2 inches long with raised and rounded scales. Read more about growing almond trees. In case you missed it: Almond Oil Extraction Method, Process, Machine Cost. What Do Almond Trees Smell Like? Yes. Other Common Names: Mexican White Pine, Chihuahua White Pine, Average Size at Maturity: 50-80 ft tall and 20-40 ft wide. Quaking Aspen (Populus Tremuloides) Flowering Tree, 13. every 3-5 days during the growing season, depending on weather and soil conditions. It takes up residence in unharvested nuts on the tree during the winter. Just remember that overwatering your tree can cause root rot: Soggy soil means the plant is receiving too much water. From March to June, the Almond kernel matures and grows to full size, and the shell around it hardens both protected by an opaque outer hull. The bark is smooth and gray. June 16, 2021 . The monounsaturated fat content of these nuts is higher than that of most other cultivars. The leaves are lanceolate, and alternate, and the margins are finely toothed. The buds of this poplar tree are sticky and smell of balsam. Her articles appear online at Biz Mojo, Walden University and various other websites. Almond trees thrive in zones 7 through 9. Perfect for Hot, Dry Summers. Almond trees are mainly susceptible to many pests and diseases, the most common of which is the navel orange worm. Acquire a young healthy tree of either variety. The leaves are deciduous with separate male and female trees. This technique is believed to protect trees from fungal or root rots. The USDA hardiness zone map indicates how well a specific plant will tolerate winter cold in your area. Other Common Names: Rock Maple, Douglas Maple, Dwarf Maple. During the winter months, an outdoor almond tree needs little water or food. They dont really grow here though. Other Common Names: Douglas-Fir, Douglas Tree, Oregon Pine, Average Size at Maturity: 40-80 ft tall and 10-20 ft wide. 20' tall, Zone 3 Almond trees are trees capable of withstanding winter, drought, and intense sunlight. They also provide help to the local ecosystem so are a valuable way you can give back to the community. They are considered nuts; Almonds are technically a type of stone fruit called a drupe. 5 Most Profitable Nut Trees to Grow - Profitable Plants In spring, the new growth lightens up the tree when the new foliage emerges bright blue. Dig large holes for your new trees. Almond trees can grow in soils with a 5.5 to 8.5 pH. Almond trees grow best in climates with hot summers and low humidity, which helps the tree make a healthy crop of nuts. Wrap the trunks of your nut trees around Thanksgiving to protect them from damage caused by foraging animals and Colorado's cold winters. can almond trees grow in colorado - Find a sunny planting area and make a 6 to 12 inches high mound by piling up topsoil. Take soil that is mixed with about 25 percent organic compost or other organic materials like peat moss, fallen leaves, and composted animal manure; and half fill the hole with it. Where Are Almond Trees Found? - Caniry Here's a sampling of nut varieties and their characteristics to help you choose the right nut trees to grow on your farm. Healthy almond trees will grow 8 to 15 inches each year.Almond trees that produce less than 8 inches of growth in one year benefit from 1/2 to 1 pound of actual nitrogen split between a spring and summer application. Yields range from 1,500 to 3,000 shelled pounds per acre per year . So they need cross-pollination to set fruit. can almond trees grow in colorado. Almond trees love the full sun! If your trees growth is stunted or you see insect infestation near its base, apply a Bacillus thuringiensis spray or Bt spray to kill them. Almonds thrive in climates accommodating their unique growth process. A historic drought across the U.S. West is taking a heavy toll on California's $6 billion almond industry, which produces roughly 80% of the world's almonds.
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