Kaz is released from the slot and the women soon realise she has profoundly changed. When the prison explodes Jake is frantic as he is trying to find Vera when he asks Will where Vera was going he says 'the exec level' where Will says there is no more exec level. Crime He is later seen in the shower block when Allie shivs her own legs.. Jake is last seen when Ann says she would like a car ride home as her "calf is playing up". In episode ten, Vera is first seen during the staff meeting after Marie Winter's death guards will be stationed outside of the unit, Linda says that they don't have the staff and Vera doesn't think its fair. Later when the riot takes hold Vera runs to the creche where a traumatised Linda is and takes her baton to end the creche side of the riot. S8 E2 S8 E3 S5 E1 2022-06-22; junior apprentice where are they now . S3 E4 Vera served as Deputy Governor under several governors before serving under Meg Jackson, Erica Davidson and Joan Ferguson before receiving the promotion to Governor after the Wentworth fire. Bea struggles to recover in the wake of her attack. Vera in episode two announces she is handing over the governorship to Will as she is going on reduced duties and is clearly amused when Linda asks who will be acting deputy, Vera is also asked by Greg Miller before she goes on her leave to help him get better binding because of her good relationship to the prisoners and has good knowledge of them and what makes them tick, telling Greg to appeal to Boomer's better nature and for Liz's ongoing struggles with dementia. Something Dies. S2 E5 Rita Bennett (mother) Grace Bennett (daughter) Doreen shocks everyone by turning her back on Bea and Liz is assigned to look after a new inmate. In episode four, Vera is seen in the staffroom when Jake tells her about Eve Wilder, when Linda comes in and tells them about the new inmates who are ready of the Restraint Station, Linda says that she was surprised that Ferguson's name wasn't on the list. when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. Jake is jealous of the bond forming between Vera and a new colleague. Fly Me Away. Maxine is back after surgery and finds herself in the crossfire of huge tension between Boomer, Liz and Sonia. When Jake saves Liz's life in a selfless act, Vera is forced to reassess her opinion of him. S9 E8 As Ruby undergoes surgery for the ruptured brain aneurysm, Rita makes a desperate appeal to Vera to be with her sister in hospital. Vera in episode 7, informs Rita that the doctors need to operate immediately and Rita asks if she can go and see her, but Vera says she'll speak to Will about it, Vera then grills Will about why he released Marie from the slot so early and says that just because Marie is grieving her son its not a good look for drugs to be seen. When word gets out that Franky is to be released back into the compound, Jacs plans a brutal attack. Jake is furious with Vera when its learned she used the nanny cam to record Ferguson but it was a waste of time. In episode 8 Will is still angry at Vera, but he understands in the end why she did what she had to. Liz gets drunk with Sonia and hears a graphic confession to Don's murder. 4 ervna, 2022; Posted by: But can she convince anyone she's a reliable witness? Wentworth Season 8 part 2 or "season 9" begins airing on the 24th August 2021 after confirmation that the final twenty episode will be split up over two years. Vera confronts Marie about the assault on Rattray and gets radioed as Ferguson has returned to the prison. Boomer faces a crisis of courage when she takes on Lou for top dog and Judy convinces Allie to help with her bid for extradition. A desperate Judy seeks her father's help, but his callous rejection pushes Judy to commit a vicious act. Jake then escorts Artie to Liz in the centre, and when the visit doesn't go to well, he tells Artie that Liz has been waiting a long time to see him and that she is a good person who deserves a second chance. Meanwhile, Bea seems to be losing control of the women so she forces a prison-wide vote to end the debate. Vera asks Jake if he's been sexually assaulted he says that he doesn't know but was hit in the head. Vera in episode 4 speaks with Greg and reveals that she is scared that she could turn into her mother as she is raising a daughter and that she probably won't feel anything until it actually happens. But when Jess makes a sudden, drastic move, all plans are thrown out the window and the stage is set for a dramatic showdown. So Franky fronts the parole board, under-prepared, and with a gutful of heroin that may just kill her. The beginning of a new era: dangerous new prisoners threaten to turn a post-siege Wentworth upside-down. Vera in her office watches Linda spray Judy on Ann's orders and reports her for it. Vera reveals to the women that Marie is working with Sean and its an escape. The Girl Who Waited, S1 E4 Set in the present day, it is a modern adaptation of Prisoner contemporising legendary characters and their stories for today's audience. Later Vera taunts Joan and says that she could've walked free and what her "end game was.". S9 E10 Welcome to Wentworth Centre Extra! And as . Vera learns off Linda that Ferguson got taken to the psych unit for another 'breakdown' but finds out she is remembering again. In episode ten Jake tells Vera that she is late for work as she spent half the night up trying to get her to sleep, Jake says it could be colic because "he googled it", later tells Wil and Vera about the courthouse incident and instructs Vera to get Grace and go, they manage later when the brawler arrives back at the prison to see Ferguson in the back of the brawler. What did Jake do to Vera on Wentworth? A surprise letter sets Franky on a radical new solution to her problems. Mind Games. S3 E1 Jake is also there when Liz wants to tango with someone but not one of the prisoners know how to, Jake decides to tango and tick of an item on Liz's list. In episode four, Jake inducts Eve Wilder and immediately asks her questions about how to deal with colic. Whatever it Takes. Mother. In episode seven, Jake is first seen when Will tells the guards that Lou has been making threats against the officers. Vera later tells Will that she is so worried about Ferguson she tells him to ring the courthouse, where they learn Ferguson has been committed to stand trial and that she is coming back in the prison in the brawler. Vera undermines Ferguson's "self-defence" plea in Bea Smith's slaying but her victory will come at a cost. before walking out of the staffroom. Nearing the point of stepping down as top dog, she is thrown a lifeline from an unlikely ally. Vera doesn't say anything. Foxtel finds out exactly why that is. Bea Smith goes from housewife to inmate and finds out the hard way that retribution in prison has fatal consequences. S1 E3 Ferguson is rattled when she discovers that Bea will be supporting Jesper's evidence in court. Vera later lets Judy phone her dad. Brody takes the drugs, but decides to keep his most valuable hostage, Vera, as leverage. After this he attempted to commit suicide, but failed. Marie enlists Sheila's help to take out Lou, with tragic unforeseen consequences. tides equities los angeles . Vera is forced to promote Jake to deputy after Will tests positive to drugs. My second most hated character is Allie, and finally, my third most hated character is Allie. Vera and officers later watch Allie attack her legs and when Allie is in medical Miller says it may be because of PTSD. Jake later takes Eve to kitchen duty where zheng isn't happy about it. Under Siege (Part One). Article continues below advertisement. In episode six, Jake is first seen in a meeting where the officers learn of the changes to the roster and he asks when Jenkins is coming out of the slot, after that he attempts to speak with Ann, but she says to stick it in an email. Plan Bea. Jake helps Joan gets into the box in the workshop to be shipped out. Vera Bennett is the former Governor of Wentworth Correctional Centre. Nickname Faced with an imminent cell toss, Franky has no option but to swallow the evidence. The women of H Block return to Wentworth after the rebuild to find a new dynamic in play - Vera is Governor, Will is deputy and Kaz Proctor has established a power base. what?". S1 E10 Will disagrees and says later that Sheila Bausch was near the unit when the camera was moved, Vera had ignored the clue from Joan to bring Sheila down. Vera tells Allie that the prison will keep up with her physio and health team. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Bea sets in motion her final, audacious plan to exact revenge on Brayden Holt. Jake returns to her later and said that it worked. The trio go back to the hospital to learn Joan doesn't recognise them. Vera later tells Judy she can't let her call her dad. Vera served as Deputy Governor under several governors before serving under Meg Jackson, Erica Davidson and Joan Ferguson before receiving . And as Jake points out, there's a simple solution: go back and . Vera says to Jake that Grace slept through the night at the sleep clinic but she needs routine. In episode five, Vera is in the staffroom when Ann flies off the handle about the camera in the prison. Vera Bennett has been positively glowing in the opening episode of Wentworth - new baby Grace has brought a smile to her face, she has secured Will Jackson's position and got herself a great . The women and staff of Wentworth are reeling in the aftermath of Bea Smith's murder in a new era for the prison. S4 E8 With the murder charge against her dropped, Sonia is free to tie up loose ends. Jake later tells Vera about it and when Vera goes to take the call from Ann, Jake takes the milk that Vera laced and Vera runs off after him and tells Jake the truth that Ferguson had passports under the Kath Maxwell name. Think Inside The Box. He is portrayed by Robbie Magasiva. A shocked Vera finally discovers the identity of her stalker, who has one last ultimatum. He can only watch helplessly as Vera is crushed, both personally and professionally. Vera makes her way to safety and is hugged by Jake. and she says that the only people who know are Will, Rita and herself. Bea struggles to accept that she had a psychotic episode, despite the CCTV evidence. When new Indigenous inmate, Tasha, is put under Doreen's care, Ferguson sees an opportunity to force Kaz into action against Bea. is graham wardle still married to allison wardle; poorest city in north carolina; the coast neighborhood cambridge As always, Ferguson has an endgame but will she live to accomplish it? Jake later finds out a plot to use the workshop to escape, when he checks the workshop after Doug Williams reports an issue to him, Jake checks it out, but is distracted when Sonia Stevens (Wentworth) collapses. Jake, Linda and Will later drug bust Kosta and Hutchins and find a lot more then they bargain for. In episode four Jake alongside Will and Vera learn that Joan is alive and how she survived being buried alive. does chris hoy have a knighthood; portaventura live camera; when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. In episode two, Vera is first seen talking to Will about Reb's murder and Vera thinks that Joan could've done it because "Lou Kelly killed her goldfish." Do Doreen and Nash stay together? Clean Slate. But realises this would implicate her to, so she keeps quiet.. Vera is 6 months pregnant and in the premiere is still governing the prison, she gets taken hostage by a junkie inmate and decides after that to step back from the governors duties, asking Will to take over as acting governor. S5 E9 Vera's life away from Wentworth was anything but quiet, she looked after her mother Rita Bennett in which she wouldn't allow Vera to do anything, this lead Vera to making up a boyfriend named "Adam". Bea is dealt another devastating blow but is buoyed by the inmate's support, while Jacs's power further diminishes. In Wentworth's new season she's dealt with nothing but big dilemmas, from escapees and stabbings to her own personal situation of discovering she's pregnant to Jake Stewart (Bernard Curry) after their fling last season.. Vera also partly defends the use of Restraint Station's. So when Bea uses her standing as Top Dog to hit back, Ferguson takes revenge - she slots Bea and releases Liz from Protection, exposing Liz to a brutal bashing from Boomer. The fourth season of the television drama series Wentworth premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. Vera denies it and Lombard doesn't believe her. S6 E5 Jake is later seen talking with Boomer about a conjugal visit with Gavin Thompson. Jakey, Stewart, Jake The Snake, Jakey The Hero. Allie enacts a do-or-die plan to kill Ferguson and avenge Bea's death, but finds she has to sacrifice more than she bargained for. Fletch and Vera band together in an attempt to overthrow the Governor, while Bea discovers the final piece of the puzzle to help solve Harry's murder. S7 E7 The Abyss. Blood Wedding. Vera asks if Jake was assaulted, and he says no. Jake later leaving the prison, runs into Ann and says that he'll take her home because she's running at night, later the two are at the abandoned train station having sex in the car. Played by Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Winter Is Here. Ferguson is losing control, and the walls are closing in. The ninth season of Wentworth will become available on Netflix on October 27, 2021. However, this attitude to the prisoners didn't go unnoticed, as Meg Jackson observed. But in seeking a renewed connection with Doreen, Ferguson unwittingly makes herself vulnerable when she calls Doreen - Jianna. Meanwhile, Doreen sets up a greenhouse project for the garden, and meets male prisoner, Nash, with whom she shares an immediate attraction. Jake is shown to be a sneaky, egotistical, cowardly and highly intelligent man. In episode three, Vera is standing during the meeting Ann has with the guards. Poor Vera (Kate Atkinson). A Higher Court. In S7 its confirmed that Jake was ex-lovers with Walford officer Sean Brody. As rumblings against Kaz increase, Ferguson manipulates Lucy to up the pressure on the top dog. Nothing But The Truth. Marie discovers that Liz may have witnessed the attack on Cherry Li. Jake then later tells Joan to stay away from his family and baby. Determined to protect her prison family, Franky finds herself front and centre of a kangaroo court to try Ferguson, unleashing a volatile situation that rapidly spirals out of control. Ferguson delivers Vera her coup de grace. Jake also deals with the guilt of killing Nils Jesper for Joan Ferguson (Wentworth), and he attempts to hide the fact that it was him who did it. S2 E7 Perhaps the only shining light is that Will (Robbie Magasiva) has finally been vindicated. S9 E6 Later after the prison explodes, Vera finds Judy, but she is dead. Liz makes a risky play to get Sonia put into Protection. S4 E2 S2 E4 Vera tells Ann that Judy is dead and so are many people, "innocent people" are dead and several injured. Resurrection. Joan ultimately saves Vera during the prison explosion and goes on the . Poking Spiders. Later he argues with Vera about Grace and he threatens to launch legal action against her for possible joint custody. Meanwhile, Will is haunted by what he has done to Ferguson and Jake scrambles to stop him from flipping out. Marie enacts her plan to bust out of Wentworth while Liz spirals into a psychotic meltdown. Vera Bennett's story thoughout Season 7 hinged on her pregnancy and relationship with Jake Stewart. Ferguson is blindsided by Jodie's complaint to the ombudsman. Is told to get the hurry on by Linda about Ruby not returning. They meet in a little cafe near Franky's office. S4 E6 Shallow Grave. Conspiracy to Attempted Murder, Corruption, Illegal Euthanasia, Blackmail, Conspiracy to Evidence Tampering, Assault, Interference with a Corpse, Conspiracy to Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Conspiracy to incite a Riot Vera and Rita wait for news as the two talk, Rita informs Vera that the injury was her fault, as the night goes on, Rita and Vera get to know each other better and Rita tells Vera that she'll make a great mum, Vera holds Rita's hand and puts it to her belly to feel the baby kick. Vera who's just happy to get out of the house, even if she has to bring little Grace along. Season 5 took its fans through twists and turns, especially in episode 11. The Danger Within. Panic Button. He tries to help her up but is pushed away. Wentworth Prison Quiz. Will and Vera talk where Vera says she is calling it off as she doesn't want to put anyone else at risk. When Bea is sentenced to life without parole for the killing of Brayden Holt, Ferguson makes it very clear - she owns Bea now. Season 5. The Living And The Dead. He soon became used as a pawn by Ferguson after she helped him with his drug debt. Jake rejects her advances and says he can't do it anymore because he loves Vera. The arrival of new inmate Kelly provides Fletch with hope of unmasking Ferguson for what she is. Vera refuses Jake's idea and says that she needs to stop running from her past. Vera later goes to get petrol with Ferguson lurking at the bus stop behind, Ferguson runs and Vera leaves. While he initially comes off a charming, easy going officer, it is soon apparent that Jake is a corrupt officer who specialises in dealing drugs, Jake has also shown to be capable of cold blooded murder when under pressure, as he shot Nils Jesper dead and blew up the van he was in to hide any evidence and so that he could not reach court and give evidence against Joan Ferguson. When Bea hears that Simmo's daughter is working for the Holts, she plants paranoia in Simmo's mind and fuels it to further her own plans. During what becomes an angry exchange, Bea is left with a shattering notion. Thank you. She steps down from her governorship in favour of Will Jackson, opening a door for Marie Winter to manipulate the system. S4 E11 Ferguson seizes the opportunity to make a powerful statement and create a sense of fear around her. In episode one, Jake is first seen telling Ferguson that she has an appointment with Dr Miller, while he takes her to the appointment Joan fantasizes about snapping his neck. In the aftermath of Rita's exposure as a cop, the family fights for survival while Ann continues to unravel. Matthew FletcherJake Stewart After being shot Franky seeks Bridget's help, the police net is tightening. You have not attempted this quiz yet. Karen. On the eve of Vera's birthday, Ferguson puts her plan in motion to take over the prison, instructing an increasingly-conflicted Jake to draw Vera even closer. Grace was born during the Siege of Wentworth. Vera is determined to prove that Jake helped Ferguson break out. Vera later goes to check the brawler but doesn't see anything wrong with it. Whilst there was an officer in the original series with a similar name, A throwaway line in season 4 from Will telling Linda that Jake is gay and Linda repeating it Vera. When Will enlists Kaz and Allie to help expose Jake as the dirty officer, the effects ricochet through Wentworth, testing long-term alliances, love and loyalties. S7 E5 When the riot happens and Meg Jackson dies, Vera becomes the acting Governor until she is replaced by Erica Davidson takes the role after Vera orders a ramp on Will's instinct. Someone discovers Liz's secret, but are they friend or foe? Marie discovers that Ruby killed her son, Danny and Boomer's day release is short-lived. Wentworth is a dynamic, often confronting, drama series that begins with Bea's early days in prison. Jake later takes Marie out for her airing and is informed to take her from isolation to the Protection Unit, Jake takes her there and Marie complains and Jake says she should fit right in. With the prison in lockdown, tensions reach crisis point. Source: netflix. Vera is faced with the ethical problem of investigating who let Bea into a restricted area. Jake Stewart is former Deputy Governor of Wentworth Correctional Facility and a main character in the Foxtel series Wentworth.He was brought in to replace the character of Fletch in Season 4.. Jake originally worked at Walford until he feared he was going to lose his job for providing drugs to the prisoners. S2 E3 Does Jake find out Vera is pregnant? In episode Five Vera stands with Will and Jake and hears him read the medical report on Ferguson. S2 E2 Has Franky sacrificed the love of her life? Kate AtkinsonMelissa Hill (young Vera in 1x06 flashbacks), Melissa Hill (young Vera in 1x06 flashbacks), "Allie isn't the same person she used to be. Ferguson wants to stamp out drugs inside the prison and for obvious reasons Bea finds herself on common ground with the Governor. Vera then later escorts the police to Will's office and learns of the police wanting to talk to Ruby. S5 E11 Even if . In the final countdown, the fate of everyone is uncertain. It has prisoners who weren't involved in the siege..". Jake originally worked at Walford until he feared he was going to lose his job for providing drugs to the prisoners. S3 E6 There are ten episodes included in Season 9. S4 E10 It's the worst possible scenario for Jake, who had been willing to risk his own life to save Vera and the baby's. It's a gesture that doesn't go unnoticed by Vera, who shoots him a look that can only be described as devastating. with prisoners murmuring to themselves as Vera is furious about this, she tells Jake to stop being so protective. This ten-part series takes the viewer inside to an uncompromising environment exploring the politics of women in a world without men, and how such a threatening experience both challenges and often changes those confined and working behind the razor wire. Will realises he's been played, and vows to expose the truth. In episode 6, Jake's jealously again comes to the forefront, as he is pissed off that Vera is close to Miller, and Jake later learns off of Nurse Shen that Liz's medication helps but she had a rocky start to the medication due to a psychotic episode, later Jake sneaks into Miller's office and takes a photo of Liz's file and reports him to the medical board, he also spots Brody handing drugs over to Marie, and when Brody tries to blackmail him, Jake smashes him up against his locker and says that he has been blackmailed by smarter people than him (meaning Ferguson), Jake is later suspended as Brody has falsely accused him of a "sustained campaign of sexual harassment" Jake refuses to believe it but he leaves the room suspended pending an internal investigation. Vera later chases after Ann and says that she will be following her report on Ann and says she will back Will, Ann leaves and Jake rushes out and says that Joan is being transferred to Sinclair and that the two should make a run for it to Alice Springs. Jake after Ferguson is returned to Wentworth following the fact where she finally revealed she had her memory back Jake tells her to stay away from Vera and Grace or he will kill her. Screw Lover. Boomer, Liz, Vera and Will are the only characters to appear in every episode with Linda following close behind only missing one episode the pilot. Jake wants to do more and tells Vera he loved spending time with her. Rita sacrifices her hope of exoneration to rescue Ruby. Liz, back inside, clings to the hope that Don will get her perjury charge dropped. The women are out for blood but Vera confines Ferguson to her cell for safety reasons. In episode eight, Jake is first seen talking with Ann where she again wants to have sex with him. In episode two, Vera returns to work as Industries Manager and tells them about the decision to let the women work in the call centre. Realising that Liz is ill and vulnerable, she takes advantage of her condition and convinces her that Boomer was responsible. Wentworth has been . With her supply cut and her powerbase decimated, she's on her own when prisoners come after her to claim what they're owed. Since wrapping up filming of the cult prison drama in 2020, Kate has . Wentworth actor Robbie Magasiva says Bea's death 'opened up the door to other characters'. Kaz convinces Allie to talk but is blackmailed by Ferguson through Jake, threatening Franky's sister, Will argues with a naive Vera and is . Jake is later seen escorting Ferguson back to Dr Miller. The arrival of Doreen's newborn heralds dark times for mother and child. The Velvet Curtain, S1 E6 Vera talks with Ann and says that Ann needs to realise that she cannot bare an entire burden on herself. S4 E3 Loose Ends. Any video suggestion. What season is Vera pregnant on Wentworth? Vera talks with Marie and says that no one in the prison is the same since the siege. The pilot episode of the series was broadcast for the first time on SoHo on May 1, 2013, and the show was cancelled after airing its 100th . If you seek to know the whereabouts of the ninth installment of the series, let us help you out! Will is in a happy place and seems to finally be able to put the past behind him is shocked when he is the focus of a murder investigation. He says to Vera later she hasn't broken character and it might be the real deal. Kaz and Rita form an alliance. But Ferguson has underestimated Bea, who starts a riot amongst the prisoners. Stewart serves as acting deputy governor when Will is suspended for drugs, and is the father of Vera's baby Grace. Rita's identity as cop is under threat of being exposed to the other inmates and Kaz embarks on a journey of self-discovery and atonement. Ferguson continues to manipulate Eve in her revenge plan on Jake and Marie discovers Rita is a cop. Jake later learns from Will that Will had buried Joan alive, much to his shock and dismay the two argue over how they are dealing with the consequences. Last Appeared In episode eight Vera is present when she learns off of Will that Ann is recovering in hospital and is stable, Vera and Will try to get Allie to cooperate in giving them a name. Does Joan Ferguson kidnap Vera's baby? Jake's past is also revealed when he speaks with Sean he admits that he was going straight after being gay and turning his life around after years of being bent.
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