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Search Student Profiles | Undergraduate Research & Fellowships Spring Assistant Professor, Physics; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, PhD, Srinivas Sridhar University Distinguished Professor, Physics; California Institute of Technology, PhD, Kuppuswamy Srikrishna Associate Teaching Professor, Entrepreneurship and Innovation; University of California, Berkeley, PhD, Kandarp Srinivasan Assistant Professor, Finance; Washington University, St. Louis, PhD, Anna Sromek Research Assistant Professor, Center for Drug Discovery; University of Illinois, Chicago, PhD, Ermus St. Louis Assistant Professor, Criminology and Criminal Justice; University of Illinois, Chicago, PhD, Kristin Stankard Assistant Clinical Professor, Nursing; Palm Beach Atlantic University, DNP, Thomas Starr Professor, Art + Design; Yale University, MFA, Joshua Stefanik Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy, Movement, and Rehabilitation Sciences; Boston University, PhD, Mary Steffel Associate Professor, Marketing; Princeton University, PhD; University of Florida, PhD, Leslie Stein Assistant Teaching Professor, College of Professional Studies; United States International University, EdD, Armen B. Stepanyants Professor, Physics; University of Rhode Island, PhD, Jennie Stephens Professor, Public Policy and Urban Affairs; California Institute of Technology, PhD, Dagmar Sternad University Distinguished Professor, Biology and Electrical and Computer Engineering; University of Connecticut, PhD, Paul Stevenson Assistant Professor, Physics; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD, Brooke Stewart Postgraduate Teaching Fellow, Art + Design; Tufts University, MFA, Sebastian Stockman Teaching Professor, Writing Program; Emerson College, MFA, Milica Stojanovic Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Northeastern University, PhD, Michael Stone Associate Teaching Professor, Economics; University of Connecticut, PhD, Jacob Stowell Associate Professor, Criminology and Criminal Justice; State University of New York at Albany, PhD, Laney Strange Associate Teaching Professor, Computer Sciences; Dartmouth College, PhD, Heather Streets-Salter Professor, History; Duke University, PhD, Aron P. Stubbins Professor, Marine and Environmental Sciences and Civil and Environmental Engineering and Chemistry and Chemical Biology; Newcastle University (United Kingdom), PhD, Jacob Stump Assistant Teaching Professor, Philosophy and Religion; University of Toronto (Canada), PhD, Lili Su Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, PhD, Ming Su Professor, Chemical Engineering; Northwestern University, PhD, Fernando Suarez Jean C. Tempel Professor, Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD, Alexandru I. Suciu Professor, Mathematics; Columbia University, PhD, Annemarie C. Sullivan Senior Lecturer, Health Sciences; Northeastern University, MS, Denis Sullivan Professor, Political Science and International Affairs; University of Michigan, PhD, Fareena Sultan Professor, Marketing; Columbia University, PhD, Hongwei Sun Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Chinese Academy of Sciences (China), PhD, Nian-Xiang Sun Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Stanford University, PhD, Ravi Sundaram Professor, Computer Sciences; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD, Daniel Sunderland Professor of the Practice, Accounting; University of Chicago, MBA, Shanu Sushmita Assistant Teaching Professor, College of Professional Studies; University of Glasgow (United Kingdom), PhD, Alexander Susienka Assistant Cooperative Education Coordinator, College of Science; Western Michigan University, MA, Gloria Sutton Associate Professor, Art + Design; University of California, Los Angeles, PhD, Kara Swanson Professor, Law; Harvard University, PhD; University of California, Berkeley, JD, Michael Swartz Visiting Teaching Professor, Art + Design; School of Visual Arts, MFA, Richard S. Swasey Jr.Principal Lecturer, Finance; University of Virginia, MBA, Jacqueline F. Sweeney Senior Cooperative Education Coordinator, College of Arts, Media and Design; Northeastern University, MS, Meredith O. Sweeney Assistant Teaching Professor, Biology; Brandeis University, PhD, Nina Sylvanus Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology; Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (France), PhD, Balazs Szelenyi Associate Teaching Professor, College of Professional Studies; University of California, Los Angeles, PhD, Mario Sznaier Dennis Picard Trustee Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; University of Washington, PhD, Srinivas Tadigadapa Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Cambridge University (United Kingdom), PhD, David Tams Associate Teaching Professor, Art + Design; Massachusetts College of Art and Design, MFA, Cheng Tan Assistant Professor, Computer Sciences; New York University, PhD, Xiaoyu Tang Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Princeton University, PhD, Aysen Tanyeri-Abur Associate Teaching Professor, Economics; Texas AM University, PhD, Peter Tarasewich Assistant Teaching Professor, Supply Chain and Information Management; University of Connecticut, PhD, Mohammad E. Taslim Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; University of Arizona, PhD, Tomasz R. Taylor Professor, Physics; University of Warsaw (Poland), PhD, Alison Terndrup Postgraduate Teaching Fellow, Art + Design; Boston University, PhD, John Terpinas Professor of the Practice, College of Professional Studies; California Western School of Law, JD, Kate Terrado Assistant Teaching Professor, Art + Design; Northeastern University, MFA, Philip Thai Associate Professor, History; Stanford University, PhD, Ganesh Thakur Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences; Institute of Chemical Technology (India), PhD, Dorin Thibault Assistant Cooperative Education Coordinator, DAmore-McKim School of Business; Boston University, MBA, Adam Thomas Associate Clinical Professor, Physical Therapy, Movement, and Rehabilitation Sciences; Northeastern University, PhD, Corliss Thompson Associate Teaching Professor, College of Professional Studies; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, PhD, Jamal Thorne Associate Teaching Professor, Art + Design; Northeastern University, MFA, Zhenyu Tian Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Chemical Biology; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, PhD, Jonathan L. Tilly University Distinguished Professor, Biology; Rutgers University, PhD, Jodi Tims Professor of the Practice, Computer Sciences; University of Pittsburgh, PhD, Frank Tip Professor, Computer Sciences; University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), PhD, Lisa J. Tison-Thomas Assistant Cooperative Education Coordinator, College of Science; Emmanuel College, MA, Devesh Tiwari Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; North Carolina State University, PhD, Yustianto Tjiptowidjojo Assistant Teaching Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Mississippi State University, PhD, Alexandra A. If you are prompted to select a MyNortheastern or Active Directory login, select Active Directory. Fall 2023 applications close on March 1, 2023 at 11:59pm EST! Search through all living alumni and reach out directly through the platform. The cost for all Program locations for fall 2022 was $37,750 (USD). Solid mechanics and large deformation; Damage, fracture, fatigue, debonding, strengthening, toughening, and adhesion; Stimuli-responsive actuation and instability; Soft active materials and sustainable materials; Multi-physics of materials: mechanics, thermodynamics, chemistry, optics, and electromagnetism, drug delivery; bio-electrostatics; transport phenomena in biological systems; biomechanics; osteoarthritis, Business, Entrepreneurship and Leadership, Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things, Multidisciplinary Graduate Engineering Programs. 617.373.8333 Ruth V. Aguilera Darla and Frederick Brodsky Trustee Professor in Global Business; Distinguished Professor, International Business and Strategy 617.373.4639 Jaehan Ahn Assistant Professor, Accounting 617.373.3240 Zeynep Aksehirli
The college and university award programs shine a light on exceptional faculty, students, alumni, and industry partners. Multidisciplinary expertise spanning all electrical and computer engineering disciplines.
How do I access Adobe Creative Cloud? - Northeastern University Parent Channel Everything you need to know, Northeastern Huskies are bold, driven, and distinctly ahead of the pack. 617.373.7103 Sally Conant Associate Co-op Coordinator Global Engineering & Assistant Director, Global, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, and Civil & Environmental Engineering, Global Engineering Co-op 617.373.6373 Arthur J. Coury University Distinguished Professor, Chemical Engineering Participating retirees access this account via a web browser (OWA), or they can configure an email client. Independent semester-long study at Northeastern University for Exchange students. The Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service offers transformative experiences of spiritual exploration, interreligious dialogue, and service learning across Northeastern's global campus network. Northeastern University will focus on technology and financial degrees for its new campus in Miami. Senior Associate Dean for Research and Global University Campus, Geoenvironmental engineering, soil and groundwater remediation; electrokinetic and electrochemical processes; contaminant fate and transport environmental restoration, Artificial Intelligent including Deep Learning and Machine Learning for Healthcare, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Image Processing for Healthcare, Recommender Systems for Healthcare, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, Polymeric biomaterials, drug delivery systems, nanomedical technologies, Biomechanics, mechanobiology, biotransport, Design, modeling and control of power converters, power electronics for renewable energy systems, microgrids, variable speed drives and wireless power transfer, Densification and metallurgical bonding in high strain-rate deformation powder processing, modeling of rapid solidification. From the Creative Cloud website, browse for and download your desired app. Offering industry-aligned graduate programs to meet Toronto's talent needs and partnering to advance shared research and innovation priorities. Explore Our Degrees cell and tissue engineering, quantitative principles of cancer cell biology and developmental biology, Bioresponsive drug delivery; cell and tissue engineering; tissue architecture; targeted therapeutics, Development of underwater robots for civil infrastructure and explosive sensing; neurophysiology and behavior biomimetics.