Perhaps history is repeating itself? Theres a lot of little benefits that stack up when talking about farmland, but the biggest is likely the fact that farmland returns historically out performs most other investment vehicles, and is also comparatively the least volatile asset among the bunch. 420,000 acresBill and Melinda Gates prior to their divorce accumulated roughly 270,000 acres of farmland in less than a decade. He has invested in multiple companies developing artificial or plant-based alternatives to meat, but he supports chicken farming and agricultural development. Conspiracy theorists claimed last year that the Microsoft founder was buying up farmland in the U.S. in order to starve Americans for an unknown reason, Snopes said, after researchers said in. Gates and his wife own 269,000 acres of farmland. Gates appears to be pro-chicken farming. You can find his previous stuff at Gizmodo and Paste if you look hard enough. Former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates owns a majority of America's farmland. Agriculture and the National Bureau of Agricultural Statistics, in the United States there are 362,315,055 hectares of farmland. In the same way you can invest into ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) in the stock market, there exist similar products for farmland called farmland REITs. 22. There isn't some grand scheme involved - in fact, all these decisions are made by a professional investment team.. As of 2022, he owned 248,000 acres of farmland across more than a dozen states, but this accounts for less than 1% of the total farmland in the U.S. Egg prices havent come down with inflation. The Michigan State University shooter is a 21-year-old man named Lynn Dee Walker. Since his divorce, it is unclear how the assets were split up between the couple. Why Bill Gates is the largest private farmland owner in the United Bill Gates Asked Why He's Buying So Much US Farmland: Here's His - MSN This article Bill Gates Finally Explains Why He's Buying So Much U.S. PolitiFact | The Bill Gates egg shortage conspiracy isn't all it's Bill Gates Is Buying Up American Farmland. But Why? Talk about big bets. An entity linked to billionaire Bill Gates has reportedly purchased 2,100 acres of potato farmland in northern North Dakota angering local residents. As the Land Report notes, 24,800 acres of the land istransitional, located on the western edge of Phoenix, the tenth-largest metropolitan area in the country, and the mostpopulous city in Arizona. In a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) last week, Gates once again fielded a question pertaining to his AG holdings and stated that he actually only owns 1/4000 of all U.S. farmland, or about 270,000 acres spread across 18 different states. Bill Gates is the biggest private owner of farmland in the United He had accumulated more than 269,000 acres of farmland across 18 states in less than a decade. Reuters traced the figure cited by social media posts as the number of acres owned by Bill Gates to The Land Report, which reports on major land ownership in the United States. As of 2020, industry reports show he owned about 0.027% of U.S. farmland. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. In their 2018 annual letter, the Gates Foundation answers the top ten questions they received, and they admitted that they didnt think it was fair that their family had so much global influence. It is not connected to climate. It is not connected to climate. Thats because the old adage goes: Buy landthey arent making it anymore. (Which volcanologists know isnt exactly true, but you get the idea). That makes him the largest landowner in the U.S. Stats show agriculture is a pretty good investment for billionaires. His idea, like many others, was to diversify his investments across different asset classes. As reported by Bloomberg . However, when you read between the lines with an objective and open mind, one can infer much. How Many Hours Is It From Detroit To Michigan? Where does Bill Gates own farmland in Illinois? - 2023 In addition, he owns 25,750 acres of transitional land and 1,234 acres of recreational land for total land holdings of 268,984 acres. Sign up for notifications from Insider! In Washington, the duo owns more than 14,000 acres of farmland that includes potato . Why? Using those figures, Gates would own about 0.027% of U.S. farmland. Which Billionaire Owns The Most Land In The U.S.? How Old Do I Have To Be To Go To A Strip Club In Michigan? Thus, before we answer these questions, we are going to provide a brief summary of his financial history. According to 2021 article from the Land Report, a magazine about land. Because of this crucial factor inherent to farmland, it also tends to provide better, consistent returns during times where inflation rises another scenario where more traditional assets like stocks and real estate suffer in. Gates is not the only billionaire on The Land Report 's list of top private farmland owners. Why? The Guardian, 5 Apr. With all of this recent farmland accumulation, one might think Gates is using this land to research these gene edited super seeds. The report states that Gates has 70,000 acres of land in North Louisiana where they grow soybeans, corn . According to Mother Jones, the average price of farmland increased six times from 1940 to 2015, and the trend is likely to continue as the amount of arable land in the U.S. continues to shrink from climate-related pressures. Why Is Bill Gates Buying So Much Farmland? Other noteworthy farmland investors include Ted Turner and Thomas Peterffy. Business entities have, however, been increasing their presence as owners of rental properties. 33701 In January 2021, Bill Gates became the largest owner of farmland in the United States. The timeline of events leading to the shortages, claim multiple Instagram posts, goes like this: "2013: Bill Gates invests (in) plant-based eggs, poultry, and meat", "2021: Bill Gates becomes the largest private farmland owner in the U.S.", "2021-2023: Mass chicken and egg shortages hit American farms", The Gateway Pundit, a conservative website, shared a similar claim. Gates-affiliated ownership covers vast swaths of farm and timberland, estimated to be 69,071 acres in all by niche land ownership publication The Land Report. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. As of the latest Rental Housing Finance Survey (2018), there were 19.955 million rental properties in the United States (, 17.16 million of them single unit rental properties ( Though the Gates Foundation has spent so much time and resources on helping humanity more than any other private entity in history the sheer power their enterprise wields has drawn the attention and fear of many. However, the Gates Foundation has been largely transparent at every level of their operations from their objectives, means, successes, and failures. Costs are expected to fall in the coming weeks as egg-laying flocks are restored. Nancy Pelosi (purchased) 10,000 shares of Amgen, manufacturer of Nplate, a drug used to treat radiation sickness.. While Gates has spent billions investing in agricultural properties to make them more productive, a growing number of retail investors are getting a piece of the real estate market with as little as $100 through companies backed by high-profile investors like Jeff Bezos. Gates has been asked about his farmland purchases before. The transitional land he owns in Arizona is reportedly being built into a suburb .. Many people wonder why Bill Gates would make these moves with his investment portfolio. Fact Check-Bill Gates doesn't own most U.S. farmland - Reuters The Guardian, Recently, an article in Land Report stated that Bill Gates owns more American farmland than anyone else. Bill Gates uses farmland as an investment outlet buying up - NBC News Over time, Gates sold personal stock in Microsoft and. But these companies do not own a majority of U.S. single-family homes. Is Farmland Partners (FPI) A Good Investment? 3. 2021. Bill left most of his professional work at Microsoft at this time to work with Melinda and the foundation. Bill Gates's Plan to Destroy Animal Agriculture | National Review Does Michigan Allow Personal Tax Exemptions? While Microsoft took a major hit in the tech crash of 2000, Bill Gates portfolio with Cascade would gain around 40% return in that same year. Why Is Bill Gates Buying Farmland? How Much Does He Own? - Farmfolio By divesting his personal wealth from his own thriving tech company, and diversifying into myriads of other non-tech based businesses, he was not only exceptionally protected against the tech crash of 2000, but made out like a bandit. Gates has farmlands in Louisiana, Nebraska, Georgia and other areas. With more productive seeds we can avoid deforestation and help Africa deal with the climate difficulty they already face. The Gates Foundation has seen steady success and growth since their launch, funding science, research, agriculture and education. It's not part of his plans to save the planet. This informational is by no means a promotion, solicitation, or recommendation of any specific investment. Microsoft founder and billionaire turned philanthropist Bill Gates recently laid the long-time conspiracy theory that he owns some 80% of all U.S. farmland to rest in . Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda have amassed the largest portfolio of private farmland in the US, according to The Land Report. Bill is now the biggest owner of farmland in 2022 a great hedge asset against rising inflation. Where Does Bill Gates Own Farmland in the US. Bill Gates gobbling up Florida farmland | News | In this short period of time, there was a proliferation in funds that were specifically focused on farmland investing. Weyerhaeuser purchase Plum Creek in 2015 for over $8 Billion! You're looking into Bill Gates' Red River Trust purchase of . Pregnancy tests include a hidden Plan B pill. Where farmland differs from other alt assets is that because its such a crucial human resource (food = humans), in less-than-desirable economic situations, farmland tends to appreciate even further in value, as opposed to losing value (I.E., during a dreaded stock market crash). He was right when he predicted the COVID-19 epidemic in 2015. Since its IPO in 1985, Microsoft has seen continual success. In his Reddit AMA last year, one user said, "What do you plan to do with all the farmland you have purchased? Who is the largest farmer in the United States? Bill Gates owns more private farmland in the US than anyone else, an analysis by The Land Report found. He created the pledge in 2010 with his then-wife, Melinda French Gates, and his close friend and Berkshire Hathaway CEO, Warren Buffett.
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