Is what is referenced to "that day and hour knoweth no man. Could it be significant that our new pres. Why that happened to me? I believe the Enoch calendar helps in counting days. Thank you Sir for your loving devotion to our Savoir. Only the father knows when he tells his son to go get her. There's no particular reason why the list covers 20 years except to give people who have different views on how close we are to the tribulation an idea of what dates these fall feasts will occur in the coming years. America is Ephraim a "company of states". Players who spent 100 dollars for all the content including bonus cars/passes will be royally screwed.We are SO close to the Antichrist I am literally scared. Start of month of Iyyar on the Hebrew calendar. NOTE: All holidays begin at sundown on the evening before the date given. The Feast of Trumpets - What is it? - Adar II ( ), sometimes "Adar Bet" or "Adar Sheni", is the 13th month of the Hebrew year, has 29 days, occurs only on leap years, and corresponds to February or March on the Gregorian calendar. Minor Jewish holiday of love. His kids know deep down something is about to happen. 3. Israeli Memorial Day. Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of rededication. It is sept. 24th 2017. Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company. Need a reference? It is interesting since many believe that a solar eclipse is a sign of judgment to the nations. [twitter][][7.3K] Studd. (re: Parable of the sower). I love this quote!! is soooo important dont you think the Lord Jesus and the prophets and the disciples would have mentioned this oh so important lifesaving occult practice as something we should all be practicing? Fast of the Seventh Month. I just wanted to thank you for all the information. A few years ago i had a dream i walked out of my apartments held out my arms looked up and started flying upward. The first being the antichrist and the second seal being the Gog and Magog war. I have a lot of respect now for the hard working truckers in their big rigs.I am ASHAMED to be a US citizen and if given the opportunity would gladly revoke it as I don't want to be associated with that lot. So anyways are there any projected red events red giant stars or expected that will light up the sky from Draco to Serpens? Holidays begin at sundown on the evening of the previous day. Windows 8 and up is very mucvh that way tp go after the phone crowd who don't know any better.Look at UBISOFT The Crew and Watch Dog series! If you watch the video of the ceremony, the king appears in pain the entire time, he's beside himself. (transliterated Sh'vat or Shevat) is the 11th month of the Hebrew year, has 30 days, and corresponds to January or February on the Gregorian calendar. PDF 2020 - 2024 CALENDAR OF MAJOR JEWISH HOLIDAYS - Four Seasons The reason I say that is because the following thought always occurs to me:"There are rabbis in Israel who have been studying these things in the original Hebrew for longer than any of you have been alive, and *they* can't agree on the details. Assembly of the Eighth Day. Who in this world seems to garner so much admiration especially women? God wants to speak. Need a Industrial UPS? Not long after he went there, the king was imprisoned in a motel and the prince took over. Day of Atonement(Yom Kippur)Most holy day of the Jewish calendar when the high priestmade an atoning sacrifice for the sins of the people. Maranatha. The apostle Paul said in Colossians 2:16-17 that these festivals and celebrations were a shadow of the things to come through Jesus Christ. We rarely can say with great clarity and this is definitely a prophetic sign. It is NOT the mid point of the tribulation. Arminianism? August 13, 2024 : Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) Tishri 1, 5785: October 3, 2024 : Fast of Gedaliah: Tishri 4, 5785: October 6, 2024 : Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) Tishri 10, 5785: October 12, 2024 : Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Tishri 15-21, 5785: October 17-23, 2024 : The Eighth Day (Shmini Atzeret) Last Trump Rapture - Rapture Forums (Sorry for the long monologue - by length I am not adding condemnation or defensiveness, just thoughts. Dec. 25. This sermon was intended to be watched on the Feast of Trumpets. The very next feast day to be fulfilled. This confederacy will control events at the end of time and is portrayed in Daniel 2 as the feet of iron and clay. The Feast of Trumpets teaches us that Jesus Christ will visibly return to the earth at the end of this age. Pentecost. June 5. This website includes location data created by GeoNames Nisan 1. Feast of Tabernacles. 2017 was the year of the Revelation 12 sign and the year of the Total solar eclipse whose path divided America in half.Exactly 7 years (2024) from the eclipse of 2017 comes a second one whose path intersects the first eclipse's path and makes an X on America. When Is the Feast of Trumpets? Jehov God will show you are only fake christians, apostates, you are the worst, that's why many people don't wanna follow Jesus Christ because of your bad testimonies and your tragic notices Be aware!! And the ngyasaki call out was from a nuclear mishap on a ship that, in English translated to wormwood. I'm not sure how to convey to you both the seriousness and awesomeness of what may be transpiring in Israel. Purim celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from the wicked Haman in the days of Queen Esther of Persia. Feast of Trumpets and Other Bible Feast Dates - Learn Religions Believe it or not, it doesn't matter. Oct 30-31st, 2017 is 500 years since Martin Luther posted his 95 thesis on the church doors starting the Protestant reformation. Also called Chag HaMatzot (the Festival of Matzah), it commemorates the Exodus and freedom of the Israelites from ancient Egypt. Begins sunset of Monday, March 6, 2023. The Jewish New Year. The festival in Israel lasts for 6 days ending at sundown on Sunday, October 12th. Not sure about the geography of the middle east? Minor fasts begin at dawn and end at nightfall. In other words beauty, temptation, and admiration which is exactly what our world is built around. Yom HaMishpacha, a day to honor the family unit, Commemorates the life and vision of Zionist leader Theodor Herzl, Commemorates the life and vision of Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Commemorates the life of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Commemorates the life and vision of Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, Recognizes Aliyah, immigration to the Jewish State of Israel. Thinking also about 1 Thessalonians 5:4 But you aren't in the dark about these things, dear brothers and sisters, and you won't be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief.Amos 3:7 Indeed, the Sovereign LORD never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophetsThinking for some who watch diligently it will be very clear, when the time comes. Gal 3:9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham. Waiting for him or living in sin and sleeping.God Speed! My view is as expressed in the warning label at the top of the post. Wonder how much of my life God has wanted to speak, but I was too hurried or too shallow in prayer, study and listening that I did not hear? My wife has patiently endured as i chased every new developement. You wrote 14 strong reasons for the Tribulation starting in 2017. Just some of my thoughts. I'm not sure. From that parable we can deduce that 3/4 of all seeds will not make it to harvest, that's what Jesus proposed, unfortunately. Remembers those who died in the War of Independence and other wars in Israel. So we have about one year before the rapture of the church. I really think that the Lord will bless His Word and promises and save her right before He returns. Too hocus pocus. We've got you covered with our map collection. Unleavened Bread. We all know what happened then. Bless you guys, but I gotta be honestever time I read something about Shemitah years and Jubilee years and so on and so forth and all the associated calculations, it's just hard for me to get very excited about it. This satanic twist is rampant in Christendom. Purim. Each day listed is the first full day of a feast, festival or holy day (following its commencement at sundown the night before), except for Passover which begins at mid-afternoon on Aviv 14 (see Passover and Related . Last Great Day: October 8th*. Who is expected to take power in 2020? As far as these times are concerned people are being shown signs of his coming so we can prepare and get right now because God is going to show such grace and mercy on his faithful that makes me feel the most joy I've ever felt. The Feast of Trumpets - Rapture and End Times Only those who have a deep relationship with the Lord Jesus will remain, and no failed date or prediction will shake them. Feast of Unleavened Bread. Thanks Jerom. I'm going to continue to refer people because God may have an underlying message that I'm not aware of but may hit home for that individual. 2010var creditsyear = new Date();document.write(creditsyear.getFullYear()); Unsealed | / | All Rights Reserved | Contact Us, This article has suddenly received a large amount of media attention with coverage from, [socialcounter] Work should be avoided. We already can see how close we are and satan is working so hard to deceive should we not be clothed in that armor and battling for the souls of our families our friends our neighbors? In addition to marking the dates for important feast days, the calendar also compares Gregorian calendar dates with the Jewish calendar. This month is called Tishri, and occurs in September or October on the world's calendar. I mean no offence, I just believe that anything God created can have a significance in the Bible since he created those things and its written in his wisdom. Dont go beyond nexusups. the calendar events and merge with your own calendar. Anyone else see the articles about a mysterious trumpet like noise sounding off from the sky with a ring cloud in Israel? The more we understand how it all plays out, the better witness we can be at sharing the Gospel. The Feast of Trumpets marked the beginning of ten days of consecration and repentance before God. Hanukkah: 8 days. Or, I saw this recently from author Brad Hurst (, the 12 crown alignment in Judah resembles the pschent crown worn by rulers in ancient Egypt ( beginning of every month in the Hebrew calendar. The stage I think we are at is stage 2 of the Woman "She Cries" or cries out a water breaking event or veil rending event that the Manchild sets in motion by His head which is likely the Melchizadek part of the manchild reaching maturity. However, we know . Hi Carol: Unfortunately, the documented reality of George Washington is that he was a 33rd degree mason. Rfid chip maybeTry to survive until fall of 2024. Also, add 7 years to 2024 and you end up in the year 2030. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Certainly we strive for perfection, this is of course the goal, but none of us or there and our study and thoughts don't condemn us. Jacob said Israel will bless all her sons to be as great and powerful as Ephraim and Manasseh. Jewish Holidays 2024 for the Diaspora - Hebcal Passover Memorial: April 4th (evening) Feast of Unleavened Bread: April 6th-12th. I only can say that maybe the Lord wanted me to use that to warn my friends and family of what would be taking place right before the end. Given that the USA is missing from Bible prophecy, the timing of this eclipse that will be seen by millions of Americans is very interesting:
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