How to Fix It in 7 steps, Windows Sandbox Failed to Start: How to Fix This Error, 0x80073cfc: How to Fix this Xbox Error Code, Blurry Screen on Windows 11: How to Fix It in 7 Steps. Technical issues: Using PowerPoint can create some headaches when you face compatibility issues, corrupted files or internet problems. There are some differences between the free version and the Office 365 version, but these are mainly on the admin side and let you do things like password protect a Sway (oh yeah, Sway documents are called Sways) or remove the footer. Once shared, Sways can be grouped together in Collections. But Microsoft should improve this in the future. Though making a PowerPoint or Google Slide often seems like the obvious next step in sharing information with a group at work, you may want . The best way I can describe it is a cross between a notice board and a scrapbook. It might look suspicious to some users. When I first saw Microsoft's new Sway app for Windows 10, I wasn't sure whether it should be considered a website builder, a photo-album creator, or something else. Users are able to add content from various sources into their Sway presentations. Both give you a simple way to craft your words and images into a well-designed, easily and appealingly navigable presentation that can be viewed on the Web. Though it may prove a little inconvenient in the short term, its probably a way of Microsoft showing theyve got their eye on the end-game. By submitting your email, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. In such cases, would have refused to connect. What you cant do is drag and drop content blocks in the designed Sway Sway decides where everything goes and there are no text or image editing tools. In that case, youll have to contact Microsoft support and explain your problem. Also Read: New Features and Uses of MS PowerPoint 2021. In this tutorial, I will show you how to use Microsoft Sway for beginners. Office 365 is constantly being updated to ensure you have the latest and greatest features., $8.25 Per User Per Month with Annual Commitment, How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad, How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill, How to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3 Files, How to Record the Screen on Your Windows PC or Mac, Read Our Squarespace Website Builder Review, Read Our Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 Review, The Best Project Management Software for 2023, Document Editing on the Cheap: How to Use Microsoft Office for Free on the Web, Easy Collaboration: 35 Must-Know Tips for Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Common Sense Media. There are many others available; you just need to choose one most suited to your preferences. (If you are not sure how to get the link, read this document. Microsoft has put convenience at the heart of Teams. Of course, this depends on your privacy settings and who you share your presentation with. There is a multitude of different cards to choose from, such as text, video, grid, or heading, and each one is tailored to a specific kind of information. Disadvantage #1: Fewer Export Options On the flip side, Keynote doesn't let you export your presentations in as many formats as PowerPoint does. Platform. This make users hard to make their slides if it's for serious work. One of the main differences between these two is that Sway is web-based and free to use, while PowerPoint is a licensed desktop product. Microsoft Sway | Create visually striking newsletters, presentations Microsoft Sway: A PowerPoint Alternative - Beth Ziesenis You might end up paying for programs that you only use once every few months. Enter Sway, which is Microsofts attempt to provide a lightweight, cloud-only, story-telling application that is easier to use than PowerPoint and provides more narrative devices than simply slide after slide of bullet points. In this article, we take a look at this issue and recommend to you the best fixes. Your subscription has been confirmed. He's also worked as a trainer, technical support person, delivery manager, system administrator, and in other roles that involve getting people and technology to work together. One caveat was that one time when I opened and edited a Sway on an iPhone and then in the Windows 10 app, I got an error message with a long correlation error code. This means you dont need to install anything on your computer, tablet, or smartphone; its all stored online so it can be accessed regardless of where you are. Such as diagrams, charts, graphs and so on. Sway requires a Microsoft account (but not Office 365). In case of Microsoft Sway app isnt working, you can always use the Sway website as a workaround. Interface Sway's interface could hardly be simpler: You see a mostly blank screen with a few big tiles, one calledCreate New, and a few sample Sway projects, including one called Creature that sports a Nautilus image. You don't need anOffice 365 ( at Amazon)(Opens in a new window) subscription to get going, but you'll need a Microsoft account (easily obtained by signing up for an email account), and the app will automatically use the account of any logged-in Windows 10 user. Our expert industry analysis and practical solutions help you make better buying decisions and get more from technology. Review: Microsoft Sway | BrightCarbon Various Text Placement Styles. But recently, as video conferencing took off because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Microsoft has added Zoom to its gunsights. Please enable javascript before you are allowed to see this page. Liven up a lab report by having your students import charts, graphs, and images from their latest lab into Sway, and then have them enter their written responses in between. The previous name of PowerPoint was Presenter and it was available for Mac Computers. With Office 365, there are a lot of tools and options that you dont necessarily need or use. If youve ever worked in an office environment, you most likely associate PowerPoint with shiny-suited salespeople and managers with no public speaking skills. On the other hand, PowerPoint is cross-platform with both web and desktop applications for Windows and Macintosh operating systems. The only thing you can do to try and control which part of your image is on display is set the Focus Points. Microsoft really seem to have tried something revolutionary with Sway, and have created a programme that reflects the way we digest and produce information. Bottom Line: A seamless transition from design to presentation makes Sway a great fit for presenting carefully curated content. Mobile App Accessibility and Ease of Use, 8. You may not be . Disadvantage: In planning the strategies to create a captivating content, the presenters often compromise on the factual . Your email address will not be published. When you go to enter an image or video card, Sway pops up relevant Web media based on text you've entered, you can change the top in the search box. You can make a video or audio call, work on files without leaving a chat, and schedule a meeting or share a task with people from a channel. This keeps the listeners engaged in the whole act. A PowerPoint presentation design company. Select the + button to add a new card. However, the outside wheel's grip increases LESS than the grip lost by the inside wheel, so the net grip goes DOWN at that axle. What is Microsoft Sway, and What Can I Do with It? - How-To Geek - We Its simply brilliant. I was privileged to byline the cover story of the last print issue of PC Magazine, the Windows 7 review, and Ive witnessed every Microsoft win and misstep up to the latest Windows 11. We have everything you need to succeed. Office 365 is a cloud-based application that can be accessed on a computer or mobile device with an internet connection. Ive been reviewing software for PCMag since 2008, and I still get a kick out of seeing what's new in video and photo editing software, and how operating systems change over time. But unlike websites, Sways are completely linear: You move through them without the option to branch off to different areas the way you can with a website built in Squarespace, Weebly, WordPress, and the rest. They Have Different Intents. Plus, Sway gives you access to lots of images and videos to use in your Sways for free. You deserve a better browser! As with any good Web publishing platform, Sway lets you link selected text or images to other URLs. The real benefit of this is that theyre all Creative Commons but, depending on what your presentation is about, they might be a bit rubbish! Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. If you enter a termwe used technologySway will produce the outline of a presentation for you, with definitions, uses, areas to cover, suggested linked topics, images, and more. Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. Buying the Software on its own doesn't come with storage like with the Suite. Watch on. Sway comes with a lot of design templates and engines that can help you with your presentation. Time-saving software and hardware expertise that helps 200M users yearly. Readers can likeand comment on your Sway on; your view on shows a tally of views and likes, as well as comments. The trouble is, what should you use it for? 5 Easy Ways to Fix Microsoft Sway if It's Not Working - Windows Report Open Sway and select Create New . Under the Storyline tab you can add various content blocks including text, images, audio, video, and links. There is a Start From a Topic option which will bring up a topic selector from which to choose. Sway is certainly an attention-grabber, but you dont want prospective customers looking at the means by which youre showing your presentation, rather than the presentation itself. With the benefits of MS Office, you can view your documents on different devices at the same time. One of these is Sway, a friendlier alternative to PowerPoint. Microsoft Sway - Wikipedia No downloadable/transferable files. Prezi vs PowerPoint: Which One Should You Use? (In 2022) - Visme Blog Learn More Update Features. In fact, you can download the software as an application on popular platforms like Windows and Apple. Sway Use Case series #1: Educator Sways | Microsoft 365 Blog On the media player, you are also able to adjust the language of the narration and change how the captions look in the player. A gallery of teacher-created lessons would be a great addition as well. For example, Block I Lab 1 will have one link (to your first Sway post) and Block I Lab 2 will have the link to your second Sway post. A Few Disadvantages of Despite its many advantages, there are a few disadvantages with using Name Confusion - The email name is very like the premium Outlook email that comes with Microsoft office. You can choose whether your Sway scrolls horizontally or vertically (and yes, even as individual slides if you want to), the color theme, the background, and a few other things as well. Sway enables you to place the texts beside images, videos, or GIFs the way you want. In order to facilitate easy reading, the content changes to black and white color and this ultimately leads to higher contrast reading. But Sway is really an exampleof a new class of software that lets you create "stories," similar to the iPad-only Adobe Slate. On the other hand, Microsoft Sway uses a new approach for delivering the content. [2] Sway is distinguished from Microsoft FrontPage and Microsoft Expression Web - unrelated web design programs previously developed by Microsoft - in that Sway includes a method for hosting sites. Because Sway autosaves everything you do, you'll never lose your changes when your computer freezes. These presentations can be used for lectures, seminars, and webinars. Things like swipe options make me think that thats where youll experience it at its best. Cons. What is Microsoft Sway? - Ask a Tech Teacher For the best results, we suggest using the Opera browser, a privacy-orientedweb browser, and a great alternative to Google Chrome. 2. Integration of all tools in a single place. You'll also see a three-line (hamburger) menu at top left, and tapping this reveals five options: My Sways, Feedback, Create New, Open, and your user name. If theres one thing more intimidating than staring at a blank Word document wondering what to write, its staring at a blank PowerPoint presentation wondering what to add. In such cases, would have refused to connect. When I first saw. If Microsoft Sway is not working, the issue may be related to Microsoft and their server, not your PC. When we talk about Sway, Microsoft has things organized in this department. Javascript is required. It includes Analytics if you have Office 365 As part of your Office 365 subscription you can see analytics on your presentation. The idea behind Sway is to offer a super simple setup that allows anybody to create presentation slideshows. Plus, renewal fees can get very expensive. Sway was created more for adults than for kids, but middle school and high school students could find the flexible features and simple interface engrossing and empowering. But. Presentations can, therefore, be accessed from anywhere or with the mobile app. Sway can be used on all desktops and tablets and can be used without downloading any software or plugins. Microsoft's new Sway app is a tool to build elegant websites The prices may be increase or decrease in the future, so check the current pricing before buying. With its REST APIs, you can use Office 365 tools to create innovative workflows such as automating data entry or tracking project status. Its jam-packed with features to help you with the difficult design bits so you can focus on the content and best of all its free. The display of third-party trademarks and trade names on this site does not necessarily indicate any affiliation or the endorsement of PCMag. The Sherweb Blog is just one example of how we make this happen, and our team members frequently collaborate on content to ensure it's as beneficial as possible for our readers. Sway arrived as a natural replacement for Publisher; there are some nice templates and its easy to plug in your content and walk away. What is Microsoft Sway? Advantage: PowerPoint Presentations have always had a higher hand over others because there is always an excitement about what the slides will reveal. So, its good to think about all the features that come with office 365 and weed out what you arent using before committing. Why not just use PowerPoint? Since we last reviewed Sway (5 years ago! This article will explore both advantages and disadvantages of Microsoft Office 365 so that you can decide if its worthy to try or not. Pros: Combining text and images to tell a story is a snap with tons of features and an uncluttered user interface. But unlike PowerPoint slides, the cards work together seamlessly as you scroll through the finished Sway. All without registration and send SMS! Microsoft is launching Sway today, a new app that's part of the company's Office family of products. Don't like it? You can create more sophisticated Sways with more content when you use Sway as part of an Microsoft 365 subscription. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Microsoft Planner is part of the Microsoft 365 platform and serves as a to-do list app rather than a legitimate project planning software due to its lack of project management features. Also, it is very important that students themselves use this tool to benefit their learning because they become creators. This tells Sway which is the most important section of the image and (sometimes) ensures this section is visible. I like it, especially the stack of pictures the user can click through, though not being able to really edit the size or layout of something is becoming the bane of my life! But dont worry; even if youre not a storyteller, the professional presentation tools will give you everything you need to shine. But when youre sitting with a blank Sway sheet in front of you, its not entirely clear what youre meant to use it for. Join the BrightCarbon mailing list for monthly invites and resources. For instance, if you are in the middle of a presentation and need to check something in the first few segments, you can do so by selecting the right numbered tile. Sway may not offer as many design templates, clip art items, animations, and editing tools as PowerPoint, but it makes up for this with the ease with which it lets you create beautiful Web documents. So, after doing some of my own extensive research, here are the most common reasons why PowerPoint crashes and what you can do about it. Supporting English Language Learners With Digital Storytelling, Digital Citizenship Resources for Families, Workshops for Middle and High School Families, Best Classroom Tools for Presentations and Slideshows. Its not complicated, it doesnt require a degree in graphic design to work, but at least you can crop your pictures. Its part of the Microsoft Garage Experimental Project, so you can imagine its not perfect yet, but it promises big. All Rights Reserved. So this is not a situation you should be faced with often. Select Sign in on the top menu bar with your Microsoft account or work or school account for Microsoft 365. It also integrates with email, calendar, and other Microsoft tools to make it easy to communicate with customers or clients. Powerpoint vs. Sway: What's the difference? - The content types available far outnumber what's possible in Adobe Slate, which is limited to photos, text, links, and slideshows. Its built-in design engine helps you create professional designs in minutes. The layout changes with Accessibility View mode. The Microsoft Planner interface makes use of task cards in . After spending time with the lead of the Sway team at the recent Microsoft MVP Summit, I came away with a much clearer understanding of how Sway differs from PowerPoint and when you might use each product. Here are a few pros and cons: Sway is hip. Your options are pretty limited, though. It's always a good idea to see a sample finished product to give you an idea of an authoring application's possibilities. If you like what you see here, we strongly encourage you to subscribe! You are being redirected - PowerPoint is true slideshow software. This Sway would work really well as an updateable, do-it-as-you-go-along tool. Disadvantages of a Visual Presentation. Viewers can scroll through at their own pace, taking their time to explore the text and images and make meaningful connections. 7 ways businesses can benefit from using Microsoft Sway There you go, several quick and easy solutions that can help you solve problems with Microsoft Sway. Since a few users have complained that Sway is not working on their PCs, lets fix this. Just how versatile is Sway and what should you use it for? Help students find their voices with these vibrant apps. Though it is worth noting that I struggled to embed Tweets. Allows you to edit pictures to fit your specific needs and color choices. Sways arent meant to be text-heavy, theyre meant to be full of images and videos like a lot of internet content today. Keep an eye on your inbox! A brief 1-2 sentence summary of your posting. You can click Remix as many times as you want, and it will be quite a while before it starts repeating designs. For this reason, Sway doesnt have slides;it has a single storyline. You may unsubscribe from the newsletters at any time. So, these are some advantages and disadvantages of Microsoft Office 365. Under the Styles menu in the top right of the Design tab there are a few customisation options. Sway also has intelligent text placement programming. Skype for Business allows you to connect with coworkers instantly through voice and video calling, while Sway makes it easy to create slideshows complete with text, video, and images. Prosecution calls to the stand: Sway. Most of them are clean and professional, though there are still a few that look a bit juvenile (anything on the bottom row under Styles). At the time of writing, they are roughly equal. In fact Id go as far to say that it has a lot of potential. Once you organize the data and your Sway shows no data, it only means that the presentation has not been viewed since the date it was published. Theres also a decided emphasis on storytelling, rather than presenting. They also provide several get inspired presentations to give you an idea of things Sway can do. Advanced PowerPoint and presentation skills training. Of course, it can be difficult to know if what youve chosen will look good to others, and there are plenty of options to choose from, so Sway gives you a Remix button which will apply a random design to your Sway. And while it really is easy to figure out, there's no help aside from an explanatory video. The easiest place to start is by adding some photos not only can you upload your own pictures, but you can pull them from a wide selection of websites, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you want to just try something different, hit Remix! Any card you've added displays a Plus button allowing you to add another card below it; if there's already one below it, the new card squeezes in between the two. Presentation Approach. Updated tutorials would help inspire users to discover Sway's potential. Teachers and students log in with their Office credentials and follow the short tutorial to get oriented on how to add text and images and then how to customize the way users will scroll through a story --layouts include Horizontal, Vertical, and Slideshow. Sway is an online presentation and storytelling app that's free to use for anyone with a Microsoft or Office 365 account.This software is perfect for schools, businesses, consumers, and anyone looking to create consistent presentations, newsletters, and other communications, in a hurry. The browser has built-in malware, tracking, and privacy protection and doesnt send your data to Google. Microsoft Sway | Create visually striking newsletters, presentations Cons: The navigation is a bit outdated, and classroom-friendly options are lacking. Sway Overview Video Sway Watch on Sway & the SAMR Model Microsoft Teams Disadvantages: Is it Slowing Down Productivity? | NextPlane Which in turn reflects poorly on your business. Theres only so much to say about this before we run out of superlatives, so really, try it yourself. This is a newly-added paid feature, but definitely worth mentioning. The 8 Best Features of Microsoft Sway for Creating Interactive Reports Disadvantage #2: No App for Windows Users There is no offline editing or viewing function, but sites can be accessed using apps for Windows 10 and iOS. Students can also collaborate on presentations via a shared URL. Many features in Office 365 arent compatible with Mac, PCs, or older versions of the Microsoft programs. In the top right of the Design page is a Styles option, which gives you access to layout options and the ability to remix your design. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. As such, this is a powerful system for teachers and students to use in the classroom and beyond. I review Microsoft Sway and ask Is this the new PowerPoint? Spoiler alert: its not! For adding images, click on the image holder and a panel will open on the right side. Consider using Sway as a digital portfolio tool where students can offer highlights of their written and visual work on the web. If this is not the case, you should try the other solutions recommended in this article. For example, if you have a meeting on Skype for Business or iPad, you can just share the document with others and it will be displayed along with them. Its unusual and should whet their appetite for a bit more information. And, if it had basic editablity (nudge, nudge Microsoft), this would definitely be our recommended go-to program for any kind of education project. The answer is very simple. For easy, full-capability site building, our Editors' Choice is Weebly. or Group . Microsoft + + Learn More Update Features. Hit the button again or use theback arrow. Microsoft Sway review | TechRadar The iOS application is no longer under active development, and is not . The site offers a short tutorial and a few lessons that highlight what's possible and provide some inspiration to teachers or students who want to make their presentations pop, but without a decent-sized gallery of ideas or lessons, they'll find themselves largely on their own to think of creative ways to present material. This tool has not yet been rated by our privacy team. Benefits of Sway (and what is Sway anyway?) - and Sway will generate a new style for you. With one of this applications new features, you can create a lot more shareable content and at the same time conceal the software you used. Google Slides enjoys amazing popularity in the U.S., generally running ahead of PowerPoint and Keynote. Text-formatting options are generous, but you're guided toward making a coherently designed presentation by choosing a preset theme.