Fittingly, Van Tassels epitaph read Birth through Induction, Death by Short Circuit., After Van Tassels death, his second wife, Dorris, leased the building to several tenants, including one who had plans to make the dome into a disco. In 1953, Van Tassel began to conceive, plan and construct the Integratron, located three miles south of Giant Rock on Linn Road in Landers, California. This intricate geometric shape cannot be a coincidence. Astrolabe, magnificent computer of the Ancientsan instrument used to make astronomical measurements, before the development of the sextant, Where Are The Ley Lines On Earth | Earth Ley Lines. Ancient legends talk about how people could tap into the earths energy at specific points. We know little more than that. In conjunction with his annual convention, Van Tassel launched the non-profit, non-sectarian Ministry of Universal Wisdom in 1958 and an associated college dedicated to religious and scientific research. He also began publishing and distributing The Proceedings of the College of Universal Wisdom and authored several more books.19 In these sprawling treatises, Van Tassel jumps recklessly from one pseudo-scientific theory to another, suggesting that he was an intelligent, active thinker with far too much time on his hands. Here is what I know: Ley lines - Des Moines New Age Where Are Ley Lines in the United States? - Reference It also links ancient mystical sites, churches, temples, henges, and burial sites. So, today travelers still avoid these areas if possible. If you find three or more sites arranged on a single line you may have discovered a ley-line. For instance, on April 19, 1952, Kerrull, 64th projection, 2nd wave, 4th sector patrol, realms of Schare proclaims, due to inaccurate calculations, many of your fellow beings will suffer prolonged illness from an experiment to be conducted next week. Ley lines are supposed straight lines which connect three or more prehistoric or ancient sites. (6) Icosahedron, Wikipedia Ley Lines and Earth Rings in America 100 pages of never-before-seen ley lines, maps by Peter Champoux. Dan lives in southern Oregon and there's nothing he would rather do than visit vortexes and talk to people like you around the world, that's a vital part of his vortex research. Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time. The Becker-Hagens grid is a unique world grid ley lines map. They are all built and aligned with a network of ley lines. Over time, they have lovingly restored both the grounds and the building, which requires constant structural maintenance. More than fifteen leys, covering every state. And around Duluth. REJUVENATION Many ancient cultures built mysterious structures in specific locations. The array of categories should be very interesting to readers. Mr. Edison wanted to develop a way to generate and sell electricity. These ruins are located just south of Timbuktus city. According to unsubstantiated internet accounts, the ancestral Serrano and Chemehuevi people conducted spiritual ceremonies at Giant Rock, during which only the chief was allowed to touch or be near it. It is not coincidental that nearly all of these individuals hailed from Southern California. Using scalar waves produced by Mother Earth advanced ancient civilizations built megalithic stone structures along these grid lines and at the intersecting nodal points. These photographs follows the same order as the horizontal grid line, narrative and global maps above in the section with the. Van Tassel extensively cites both Lakhovskys and Teslas concepts in his texts describing the inner workings of the Integratron. Greeks called them the sacred roads of Hermes. A few years later, however, a Times article dated July 26, 1942, presented Critzer in a completely different light: three Riverside deputy sheriffs raided his subterranean home on July 25, 1942, seeking information on recent thefts of dynamite, gasoline and mining equipment in area towns. Ley Lines of the American West, by Lorea Ireland - Vortex Maps He also graded an emergency landing field on the dry lake east of the boulder, complete with an unauthorized windsock, which remained operational from 1940 to 1975. Sailors and pilots frequently report instruments that fail. It is aligned with the rising and setting sun on the Summer solstice and may have been used, in part, for astronomical observation. We vibrate the surface, and a shape appears in the sand. Ley lines can run for hundreds of miles. While looking out at the gorgeous green landscape, he had an astonishing revelation. Maybe theyre all on the same ley line. Thus there is a connection to the "666" number. Article by Ray Parkes. the importance of ley lines and vortices - 4 Truth Seekers Airborne measurement of the earth's magnetic field over all of North America provides gridded data describing the magnetic anomaly caused by variations in earth materials and structure. The beehive is an example of how this structure can connect living things. Riding his horse on the English countryside one day, he had what he referred to as a "flood of ancestral memory". This story is recounted in Van Tassels other books as well as the June 18, 1964, KVOS Webster television interview, The Extraordinary Equation of George Van Tassel, KVOS Channel 12 films archive, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Washington University. Some never before published. D.B. For example, there are many practitioners of distance healing practices, like Reiki. However, many of the sacred sites are remote or challenging to navigate the terrain. [10] Apparently, the sheriffs encounter with Critzer had gone sour. [16] Desert Center is technically in the Colorado Desert, but near the ecological transition zone where these two deserts meet. The St Michael's line is an invisible line drawn across the south of England connecting many historical churches, prehistoric monuments and sites of interest which have an affinity with Saint Michael. 31 LEY LINES CALIFORNIA ideas | ley lines, earth grid, ancient aliens There are too many proposed ley-lines in Britain to show them all. [27] An example of Van Tassels considerable ego is apparent in this passage in When Stars Look Down on page 177: Its a strange thing that George is involved in so many firsts. You can also check out the new interactive St. 29 Maps Ideas Map Earth Grid Ley Lines . Ojai, California was recently surrounded by a ring of fire. Energy Maps of California What does Google Maps do? Usually the names given to represent these invisible lines are translated to an equivalent of 'spirit', 'dream', or 'energy' paths. The Mojave Project and its contributors 2014-2021 unless otherwise specified. There seems to be a correlation between the world grid ley lines map and the science behind sacred geometry vibrational energy. These areas have been identified by vortex experts as either "energy vortexes" - sites of magnified spiritual energy, or places with increased UFO sightings, as noted. The Becker-Hagans grid shows how sacred geometry governs the physical universes structure. As it turned out, the missing dynamite was later discovered in Joshua Tree National Monument.[11]. Ley Lines Map Near Me Edgar Cayce spoke of gigantic earthquakes in Southern California after Mount Etna in Italy and Mount Pelee on the Island of Martinique exploded. Here, from sunset to 3:30 a.m. the following morning, eight to ten participants danced around a fire until the last person fell from exhaustion. The rite concluded as a light rain began to fall. Or better yet use those ley lines to find the good. Instead of literal time travel, Van Tassel envisioned the Integratron as a device that allows those who physically enter it to transcend the effects of time by defying the laws of gravity and reverse the ravages of age on the bodyor so he claimed. Catalina Island reported UFO activity. It is a perfect structural shape that can endure impacts and harsh temperatures.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mathematics and geometry are subjects that intrigue many people. It is the marine basin area of the northeast quarter of the Indian Ocean. Maps vary however every map that I have studied lays out a pattern of an earth energy grid system that is very similar. On February 21, 2004, the Hi-Desert Star reported that a woman painted the exposed inner surface of Giant Rock a bright magenta using a generator-powered airless sprayer. Sacred Places to Visit in the United States - Learn Religions Karachi is on southern Pakistans coastline in a natural harbor on the Arabian Sea. Although this was only some 40 percent more than that released by Buster-Jangle, unfavorable weather patterns caused dramatically higher civilian radiation exposures (about fifteen-fold). Dan Shaw has studied alchemy and researched vortexes and ley lines since 1986. This public information is accessible through the cloud-based ArcGIS Hub, ArcGIS Online, PDF Maps, and interactive web maps links below. Views Written By Posted; World Ley Line Locator: 34770: Deep1 26-Jan-11 20:23: Re: World Ley Line Locator: 2987: s-d.adrain 27-Jan-11 08:09: Re: World Ley Line Locator: 1167: poster72 27-Jan-11 18:23: So here's the truth: ley lines . An illustrated article from the May 9, 1937 edition of the Los Angeles Times featured his unique home and the public airstrip. More information Magnetic Ley Lines in America | Geology patterns North America More like this Yuma Arizona Rocky Mountain National Park Yellowstone National Park National Parks Colorado Plateau Colorado River Colorado Living Colorado Map Tucson The main area of ley lines in NA is the Magic Zone. So they must have had some compelling reasons to do so. China are called Dragon Lines linking this pyramid to THE CENTER OF JERUSALEM. Visit Artbounds Mojave Project pagehere. The revolution of an external ring located between the two floors of the structure generated the energy, which transferred and focused the electrostatic forces within the concrete-housed stator, positioned in the center of the lower floor. These align with the original 12 points of the Icosahedron on the grid. A ley line is a completely straight line across the landscape that runs from one landmark of historic importance to another, and crosses through one or more similar landmarks along its route. Source: [3] Not only did the boulder crack the next day, but an enormous one-eighth section also broke off. Years before Giant Rock mysteriously split, this apartment-sized monolith achieved widespread notoriety. During the height of the UFO intrigue, Van Tassel announced his plans to run for president in 1960, using the convention as his campaign launch, confident that his alien friends would help him win. researchers themselves debate and disagree on the definition of ley. Your email address will not be published. He believed the magnetic field of the earth was a free source of energy, but his work was undermined and discredited by Thomas Edison. This is an interactive map that connects Mount Tamalpais and The Mystery Spot (Santa Cruz). Big Horn Medicine Wheel in Wyoming. Native tribal settlements were built over and around more ancient sites. You probably have felt a connection to certain places. Throughout the years, several local groups, including the Friends of Giant Rock, have organized cleanup efforts and graffiti abatement in their attempt to rid the area of trash, debris and unsightly markings on the boulders surface. Note: The links below will take you from the CEC web site. Planetary Energetic Grid Theory falls under the heading of pseudoscience. Van Tassel worked for Douglas Aircraft until 1941, then moved on to Howard Hughes operation and finally ended his aviation career at Lockheeds Skunk Works in Burbank. Temperature and unpredictable weather make vile vortices responsible for many lost lives. Many of the telepathic missives warned Van Tassel and his fellow humans about the dangers of testing atomic and thermonuclear armaments. [4] The author was not able to contact Shri Naath Devi to comment on or confirm this story. Possible points include castles (or even places with. Some say it was because they housed and fed the firefighters for free, and it was just a plain miracle. A 2014 New York Times feature described the experience as similar to being inside of a musical instrument. Indeed, participating in a sound bath at the Integratron is to encounter sound both purely and physically. Ready to begin an exiting new direction in your personal healing and spiritual advancement? 715 P Street There are some ways to do this. More central to the concept behind the Integratron is the work of Russian scientist Georges Lakhovsky, whose first iteration of his Multiple Wave Oscillator appeared in 1923. meant simply an 'arrow-straight' alignment of places and markers on the landscape. In his 1956 book Into This World and Out Again, Van Tassel recounted his first physical encounter with the beings. There is a square pattern to the Midwest, deriving from the Public Land Survey System, but its scale is 6 mile x 6 mile squares, which is smaller than any of the distances on either of these maps. Several processes facilitate healing and spiritual exploration.