Petsafe Remote Training Collar Manuals It should not make your pet uncomfortable.YOUR PET SHOULD NOT VOCALIZE OR PANIC WHEN RECEIVING STIMULATION. Boundary Control Switch: Switch located on the Fence Transmitter to adjust according to the length of Boundary Wire used. comfortfit trainer pet care product pdf manual download. This person with the collar should walk out into the garden to the edge of the desired containment area. Aggressive dogs can cause severe injury and even death to their owner and others. Choose level 1 and press the upper right button continuously for 1 to 2 seconds. Training your pet to a containment system: Step 1: Flag Recognition, Training your pet to a containment system: Step 2: Distraction Phase, Training your pet to a containment system: Step 3: Unleashed Supervision & Monitoring, PIF-300-21 - English, Franais, Nederlands, Deutsch, Italiano, Espaol, Extienda la limitacin de zona sin cable de su mascota, Erweitern Sie das drahtlose Rckhaltesystem Ihres Haustieres, tendez votre Systme anti-fugue sans fil pour animaux de compagnie, Espandi il sistema antifuga senza fili per i tuoi animali. 20 Dec 2011 Includes a comprehensive training manual. For additional information on bed sores and pressure necrosis, please visit our website. From the. Purchase an extra compatible receiver collar for each additional pet who will use the system.
PetSafe Privacy Statement Showing Product Types 1 - 14 of 14 # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z B Beverage Dispenser Manuals Support See Prices C Car Stereo System Manuals Support See Prices Carpet Cleaner If after completing all of these steps your dog still does not indicate he is feeling the stimulation, please contact our Customer Care Centre. Before getting started, please take a moment to read through the important safety information. WebManualsLib has more than 920 Petsafe manuals . If youre not certain that your pet is in good health, we recommend that you take your pet to a veterinarian before using this product. When adding pets to new or existing electronic fence systems, check the boundary limits for each receiver collar separately before using on your pet and adjust the transmitter range as necessary. on orders over $69. 444, Home, Espresso Manual, B072VLLLLT, 8006363018555 PetSafe 3 in 1 Hundegeschirr L schwarz, Autosicherheitsgeschirr, kein Ziehen, Tragekomfort, filexlib. WebPopular manuals 28 pages PIF00-12917 Operating And Training Manual 8 pages INVISIBLE FENCE Owner's Manual 12 pages Simply Clean Product Manual 16 pages ScoopFree User Manual 73 pages Drinkwell Mini Pet Fountain - 1.2 Litres Operating Manual 28 pages IF-100 Operation Manual 68 pages comfortfit trainer Operating And Create distractions to tempt your pet to enter the warning and static stimulation zones, such as having a family member cross from inside the pet area to outside of it, throwing a ball outside of the pet area or having a neighbour walk their pet outside the pet area. This is called the Recognition Level. Showing results for petsafe wireless transmitter Refresh your dogs in-ground or wireless fence collar with this PetSafe RFA-529 Accessory and manual/user Examine the contact area daily for signs of a rash or a sore. WebPETSAFE RFA-467 Wireless Shock Collar Bark Fence Remote ( Brand: Petsafe ), ( Model: RFA-467 ) Review (mpn: RFA-467 For Sale) Petsafe Wireless Shock Collar Bark Fence Remote Adjustable Collar will fit most dogs. /Length 7 0 R We recommend it not be worn more than 12 hours per day. /Height 155 (PCF-275-19). 6-Volt Lithium Battery Modules (2-Pack) go to top of page button. If the condition persists beyond 48 hours, see your veterinarian. Go back to a lower stimulation level and repeat the process. Please read and follow the Learn about pet stairs, ramps and other travel products, 2023 Standing within 1.5 - 3 metres of the transmitter, re-insert the batteries into the receiver collar(s). USA Seller. WebPopular manuals 28 pages PIF00-12917 Operating And Training Manual 8 pages INVISIBLE FENCE Owner's Manual 12 pages Simply Clean Product Manual 16 pages ScoopFree User Manual 73 pages Drinkwell Mini Pet Fountain - 1.2 Litres Operating Manual 28 pages IF-100 Operation Manual 68 pages comfortfit trainer Operating And Static Correction Zone: Zone beyond the Warning Zone where your pets Receiver Collar will emit a Static Correction, signaling him to return to the Pet Area. Ranging from redness to pressure ulcers; this condition is commonly known as bed sores.
Petsafe RFA-67 WebRFA-67 User Manual 20 pgs 1.6 Mb 0 Petsafe RFA-67 User Manual Download for 1 PetSafe In-Ground Fence Operating and Training Guide Please read this entire guide before beginning.
You might need to use a higher level of stimulation in these cases, and you can use lower levels when your dog is more relaxed or less distracted. There is no limit to the number of pets you can contain with the containment system. Get fresh batteries automatically and conveniently delivered right to your door when you need them. Customer service is at the heart of everything we do. What types of containment system are available? To locate the boundary: If the receiver collar is not activating see My receiver collar is not providing static stimulation. If the collar is activating: This can happen if the static stimulation level is too high. I have installed a new battery or charged the components, and the collar does not work.
Wireless Pet Containment System Set Manuals 444, Home, Espresso Manual, B072VLLLLT, 8006363018555 PetSafe 3 in 1 Hundegeschirr L schwarz, Autosicherheitsgeschirr, kein Ziehen, Tragekomfort, filexlib. For most PetSafe brand /Subtype /Image If this occurs, remove your pets Receiver Collar before bringing him inside, decrease the range using the Boundary Width Control knob or consider an alternative layout. USA Seller. (PIG19-10763), Little Dog Add-A-Dog Extra Receiver Collar
Manuals Mounting Template Additional wire and ags (Part #PRFA-500), Waterproong compound (e.g. Your pet should be on a strong leash, long enough for him to attempt to chase an object, but short enough for him not to reach a road or other hazard. The RFA-67 collar, also known as the "Receiver Collar," contains a battery in its front.
Rfa 467 manual 1.1 Welcome. Can be used as a bark collar or wireless fence. Powered by, Badges | 2 Important Safety Information. It will cause excessive pressure on the contact points. Repeat the interaction with your pet as in steps 1 and 2. Prezzo 23,82 . You may need to trim the hair in the area of the contact points. A minimum of 14 days of training is recommended. Wireless Pet Containment System PIF-300 Manual. Power Jack: Where the Power Adapter plugs into the Fence Transmitter.The Fence Transmitter is powered by a standard 120-volt outlet. USA Seller. When possible reposition the collar on the pets neck every few hours. 444, Home, Espresso Manual, B072VLLLLT, 8006363018555 PetSafe 3 in 1 Hundegeschirr L schwarz, Autosicherheitsgeschirr, kein Ziehen, Tragekomfort, filexlib. WebView and Download Petsafe Comfortfit trainer operating and training manual online.
Petsafe A mounting template is included in the back of this guide.
Wireless Pet Containment System Set table.compatibility tr { No need to hire a handyman! If this happens, the stimulation level is too high. Enter your email address and check your inbox. Place the receiver collar on your pets neck or simply hold the collar near enough for your pet to hear the beeping of the collar during training. Proper fit of the collar is important. Some pets may understand the training quickly, and others may take more time. To unlock, press and hold both the up and down buttons on the left simultaneously. Sign up today for the latest news, promotions and more from PetSafe Brand. WebPETSAFE RFA 467 MANUAL >> DOWNLOAD LINK PETSAFE RFA 467 MANUAL >> READ ONLINE petsafe shock collar remote instructions petsafe model rfa-467 battery petsafe rfa-578 petsafe rfa-487 petsafe remote not workingpetsafe remote trainer petsafe swr 1 manual petsafe shock collar remote buttons. Product Overview; PetSafe 6-Volt Lithium Battery Modules (2-Pack) Make sure that the battery is not installed in the receiver collar. If you are unsure if your dog is aggressive, please consult your veterinarian or a certified trainer. WebPetSafe | Dog Fences | Feeders | Collars | Cat Litter Boxes How do I drain the batterys energy from the receiver collar? Terms of Service. Product Overview; PetSafe 6-Volt Lithium Battery Modules (2-Pack) margin:1% 0; The red LED will be illuminated during the button press and will turn off when the collar turns off. YOUR PET SHOULD NOT VOCALISE OR PANIC WHEN RECEIVING STIMULATION.
PetSafe Electronic training devices require interaction and training from the owner to achieve the desired results. Please read this entire guide before beginning. We know that safe pets make happy owners. What does it mean when the light is blinking on a Petsafe
Petsafe collar manual rfa-467 Set secure yard boundaries for your pets. Purchase long contact points or use the ones included with your system if applicable. Also, lift the metal tab that has a bump on the end that is located in the centre of the battery compartment. Avoid leaving the collar on the dog for more than 12 hours per day. Upper Walk back into the pet area until the beeping stops. Click on an alphabet below to see the full list of models starting with that letter: Healthy Pet Siply Feed PFD00-14574 Operating Manual, Yard & Park Remote Trainer Operating And Training Manual, Drinkwell Mini Pet Fountain - 1.2 Litres Operating Manual, PIF00-12917 Operating And Training Manual, IN-GROUND FENCE RFA-67 Operating And Training Manual, Guardian Anti-Bark Collar Operating Manual, Stubborn Dog Receiver Collar Operating Manual, Wireless Pet Containment System PIF-300 Manual, PFD00-15956 Six Meal Feeder Quick Start Guide, In-Ground Fence System Add-A-Dog PIG19-11042, Little Dog Deluxe In-Ground Fence PIG20-11041, PIF19-14186 Stay Plus Play Wireless Fence Add-A-Dog, ScoopFree Covered Self-Cleaning Litter Box, Venture Remote Training Series PDT00-11876 Big Dog Trainer, Venture Remote Training Series PDT00-11951 400 Yard Little Dog Add-A-Dog, Venture Remote Training Series PDT00-11952 - 400 Yard Big Dog Add-A-Dog, Venture Remote Training Series PDT00-11953 1000 Yard Add-A-Dog, Wireless Pet Containment System Add-A-Dog PWF19-10762, Wireless Pet Containment System Receiver Collar. WebSMART DOG Remote Trainer PDT00-15748 Downloads My PetSafe for iOS My PetSafe for Android Smart Feed PFD00-15788 Downloads My PetSafe for iOS My PetSafe for Android Smart Feed Automatic Dog and Cat Feeder, 2nd Generation PFD00-16828 Downloads My PetSafe for iOS My PetSafe for Android Can the receiver collar be placed on my pets present collar? Increase the level to 1 for static stimulation. Boundary ags are a temporary visual aid for your pet; remove them after training.This PetSafe In-Ground Fence has been proven safe, comfortable, and effective for pets over 8 pounds.
PETSAFE RFA-472 Dog Trainer Collar Remote Hold your remote approximately 2 ft. from the training collar.
PETSAFE RFA-467 PFD00-15956 Six Meal Feeder Quick Start Guide. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards. USA Seller. Cookies Policy. Make sure the receiver is not on level 1. 7) 444, Home, Espresso Manual, B072VLLLLT, 8006363018555 PetSafe 3 in 1 Hundegeschirr L schwarz, Autosicherheitsgeschirr, kein Ziehen, Tragekomfort, filexlib. 1 PetSafe 100, 300, 600 and 900 Yard Remote Trainers User Guide. Typical range is 65-75% of the maximum range due to terrain, weather, buildings, cables, hills/valleys, power lines, etc. Levels 815 are locked as areminder that you are moving to higher stimulation levels. How old should my pet be before I start training? /BitsPerComponent 8 Visualizza lista desideri. WebOur Commitment to Customer Care. Affiliates. Allow your pet to move toward the boundary flags. table.compatibility { Please read and follow the instructions in this manual. WebManualsLib has more than 920 Petsafe manuals . Increase the stimulation level by one. Make sure the transmitter is set to the right stimulation level or mode. Get troubleshooting tips for automatic litter boxes and learn how to potty train your dog or help your cat use the litter box consistently. Our aim is to help you have the best companionship and the most memorable moments together. A collar worn for too long or made too tight on the pets neck may cause. 6 0 obj | Customer Care Center +1 (800) 732-2677 2 Welcome. Visualizza lista desideri. WebStep 1: Preparation Step 2: Set up the base unit Step 3: Set up the collar Step 4: Test the system Step 5: Fit the collar Welcome to your new PetSafe Wireless Pet Containment System. All pets are different, so it's important to be patient with yourself and your pet. Remove the battery from the collar and press a button on the remote to give a stimulation. A Double Loop must be used when you are not establishing the Boundary Zone on all sides of your property.
PetSafe RF-275-11 User Manual. Leaving the collar on too long could lead to skin irritation. How do I replace the battery in the receiver collar? Product Overview; PetSafe 6-Volt Lithium Battery Modules (2-Pack) You may need to trim the fur around your pets neck or purchase longer contact points. Used. /SMask /None>> Allow for growth if your pet is young or grows a thick winter coat. Repeat this process at several different boundary flags. Never leave the receiver collar on your pet for more than 12 consecutive hours and remove the receiver collar from your pet when indoors for your pets comfort. IF THIS HAPPENS, THE STIMULATION IS TOO HIGH AND YOU NEED TO GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS LEVEL. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br Remove the receiver collar from your pet and cut off the excess. Also for: Pdt 24-10792, Remote training collar. Use one of the distraction methods listed above. For a list of patents protecting this product, please visit As a result, your pet may receive a static stimulation.
Petsafe Remote Training Collar Manuals Remove battery from receiver collar(s). Now your boundary is set. Hold the collar and test light at the level of your pet's height. Fence planning software is available online at 26 Aug 2013 In this video, we demonstrate how to properly prepare your PetSafe YardMax receiver collar. Next, trim the collar length. 5.1 Other Important Information. You might also want to test it on your hand at a lower level to ensure the collar is working. The proper fit and placement of your receiver collar is important for effective training. If your collar does not have a tone only setting, do not place the collar on your pet during this phase of training. Document Type . This pet training device is not a toy, keep away from children. Start with the collar turned off and your dog standing comfortably, not sitting, Place the collar on your pet so that the PetSafe logo is right side up and the collar is directly under your dogs chin. 6-Volt Lithium Battery Modules (2-Pack) go to top of page button. Be sure that collar and remote are correctly charged and/or have batteries with enough charge.