@WillB Tap the inbox button at the bottom left -> select the battle/attack tap the location icon. You can use this currency to build, upgrade, and research instantly. You can relocate it to one of the station hubs slots. RARE REFINED CRYSTAL not uncommon. For the complete list and locations, check this post. Levels are an interesting thing. Im getting pissed off with the game. 2. This is a work in progress to provide an in-depth look at Missions, their structure and connections. Have asked this more than once. Do you have to unlock them multiple times before they can be used? And, if you are getting attacked, make sure to max out all the defense facilities; defense platforms, techs, research! From these events, you can earn rewards; resources, recruit tokens, ultra recruit tokens, and much more. Thats why it is showing Target level too low. I feel like I have killed 100+ with no success. Leveling up your ships You will need to use Ship XP cubes in order to level up your ship. Each ship has unique stats as far as attack, defense and HP are concerned and to top it all off, each one also exhibits a unique passive ability to take note of. Star Trek Fleet Command - Comprehensive Guide for the Officer System What level do you have to be at to attack other players station? At the bottom, tap the ship -> hit the manage button -> swap ship. Why are all the missions in this game so hard? :) :: Star Trek Online Is this solely based on the Officer Assignment if I can no longer upgrade my ship? They can hold a lot of cargo, making them ideal for mining operations. If you have completed a path, you will still see the others but cannot complete them. If one of the more prevalent reasons you have to dive into the game is because of friends who have been playing it ahead of you, then it is best to be in the same server they are and transfer if you happen to be in a different one. Im at Operations Level 17 , however, I see a lot of ECS Fortunate ships out there at OPS Level 18, 19, 20 > where their strength is listed at over 20,000. Docks You can swap ships anytime(docked at station). That makes these types of vessels have a hard time fighting Explorers but ideal to go against Battleships. Only if you make it back to base without losing any battles do you get to keep the resources above your Protected Cargo limit. Market Allows the trade of goods with other Alliance members. If it is a refined product I believe I will ever get it. In this sense, it is best to consider the prior levels exclusively as a preparation phase, where you must not just fully utilize production and farming but also ensure that every undertaking you engage in is aimed towards a unified goal. Star Trek Fleet Command launched offering an already massive amount of content and features, yet continues to grow further following succeeding updates. Provocation, on the other hand, can lead to aggravating the situation and call forth a relentless assault. I have a couple questions regarding the attack. While the basic campaigns are meant to emulate the 'General War' period . Id like to see more posts like this. This will help you in farming resources. How to get blueprints? Start investing with Acorns today! Upgrading the Parsteel/Tritanium/Dilithium Vault increases the number of protected Parsteel. Players construct and oversee their own fleet of starships, travel the galaxy, harvest resources, and . If you are just starting and feeling lost, you came to the right place. ipad and mobile phone . Parsteel/Tritanium/Dilithium Vault Protects the stored Parsteel/Tritanium/Dilithium from enemy attacks. These missions continue the story of the Outlaws and Augments that stem from the previous Outlaws Loop. The higher the level of the building, the longer it takes to successfully upgrade a building. and it's GLORIOUS! And automatically gets disabled if you attack another players ship or station. Completing the Dark Space Missions will unlock Dark Space, or Deep Space. Once you reach operations level 20, you can create a scrapyard within your starbase. The Battle Pass is divided into several milestones. But to progress well in Star Trek Fleet Command, you have to complete several missions. The initial experience, however, can be more appealing for players who prefer single player content with the exception of joining alliances for numerous perks to help boost their progress in the game. @Newman Star Trek Fleet Command Map Click Here to view, Odd question- is there a way to drop missions? Newcomers are very much welcomed as well to lodge their queries down below! Whichever.Why didnt the peace shield the attack the first time? Mission The Great Tribble Hunt - Star Trek Fleet Command Wiki Has anyone reached Sol yet? The missions in the event tab are the most interesting in the game at rewards ! Star Trek Fleet Command Guide: Tips & Tricks for Dummies As an . First of all, you should know that you have access to the system and galaxy map. Tap the upgrade button -> level up. So to attack an enemy ship, look for any of the Rigellian Destroyer ships (Words colored in red) and tap Attack. for example, do you apply the buff given by the 'prime damage' research (gives a +100% buff to base weapon damage) directly to the ship's 'attack' stat, or do you apply it when calculating the DPR of the ship? I have not posted any map ?. Or mine it. You would not find it in low level systems. I wonder what happens if you meet any daily goals but are not able to collect the rewards. And that sums up our Star Trek Fleet Command guide (2020 Update) and we hope that you were able to learn a lot from it and enjoyed reading through the tips and strategies we shared. I just upgraded to level 15 and now Im getting attacked on a regular basis by someone who bought a Jellyfish. @Mad Thats the mining ship with Parsteel mining laser ability; +15% Parsteel mining rate. Travel to the dangerous Briar Patch System of Jinnia. It could be possible through Facebook login but the game lacks this feature. This can indeed pose a problem early on as you only have a limited capacity with regard to the number of ships you can hold. Complete all of these missions and you will unlock the rest of the game's main missions as well as the ability to complete side missions. We will therefore help you understand the interest of missions through a list of important missions for your progress in the game! The more buildings you have built or upgrade the higher your overall strength. 'Star Trek Fleet Command' warps from mobile to PC (with new exclusives Tap refinery -> refine -> batch. Where are the missions in Star Trek Fleet Command? Those pages are very different in layout & editors and may be archived due to the editors moving on. While there is a bit of random element in terms of your base becoming a target for other players or even alliances, you should often look into what makes it such an attractive target for everyone else and remedy that if it is possible. Heres the quick guide to mine tritanium in Star Trek Fleet Command:-. Not sure where you want to go. I do not understand how this officer recruitment mechanic works. To recruit an officer, you need recruitment tokens. All you need to do is destroy the hostiles in systems. All mission locations in Star Trek Fleet Command Although it is possible to successfully raid a starbase on your own, doing so may hardly be worth it, except it is your idea of fun. I fly all over the place and cant seem to find a lot of missions. Its the areas at the extremities of your map that are locked to Read more, Undercover Mission Part One Youll start the undercover mission by confronting Starfleet investigator Leif Morey in your system. Ships are great and all, but without the right crew they are kind of useless. There are very low chances to obtain uncommon material. However, from mid to end game, the general experience in Star Trek Fleet Command slowly veers away from the PvE content and focuses largely on PvP as your ships become a potential target for all other players past level 10 and your starbase open to raids at level 15. Just below the officers portrait, you can check how many shards are required to unlock it completely. You can assign up to three officers(Bridge only) in a ship. I dont notice any of the last dropping and checking speedup would require counting before and after. There are plenty of information you will have to know and read about within the game and there are experiences as well that you need to go through to make adjustments to how you play, especially from mid to end game. Parsteel/Tritanium/Dilithium Warehouse Stores all collected Parsteel/Tritanium/Dilithium. I looked at attacking another level 15 station, but my Talla (Level 19, Tier 4) isnt nearly strong enough to win a fight. We hope that our Star Trek: Fleet Command guide for beginners will come in handy! When exactly and how often can be circumstantial questions but, just the same, you should be decided on what to do when the time comes. Beyond taking on the massive PvE content through missions and explorations, setting up in preparation for Star Trek Fleet Commands PvP content proves to be an even bigger challenge. You can also increase the strength of ships through combat research in R & D Department. If you shield, it doesnt matter. As both your ships and starbase are basically untouchable before you reach level 10, these are the best times to look into your research tree while your ships are traveling to different points in the galaxy in pursuit of accomplishing missions. 1: Peace in Our Time All mission locations in Star Trek Fleet Command You do not get to keep or use the resources you lost however. As were coming to the close of Arc 4 of the Discovery, its time to start thinking about what youre going to do with all Read more, Completing the Dark Space Missions will unlock Dark Space, or Deep Space. Promoting -> Promoting increases the level cap of the officer. In general, we advise you to always do the main missions first. Star Trek Fleet Command is a management game where your goal is to manage your own space base! There you'll find G4 materials, and higher level hostiles to battle. Battle Pass 1 ; Buildings 77 ; Event 1 ; Faction 5 ; Featured 5 ; Hostiles 8 ; Items 3 ; Missions 2,461 ; Officers 180 ; Research 782 ; For those reasons, they are strong going up against Explorers, but they have a harder time against Interceptors. Tap it and hit go. Each officer will contain a type of synergy group (Located at the top right side of the officers icon). Take note that officers from the same synergy group will increase the captains maneuver skill. If you want to build more, then you will have to upgrade ship hanger. After it, you will have to build the ships. Defense Platform (Exterior) Protects your station from incoming enemy attacks. Academy Here is where your Officers stay when they are not assigned. if so how? First starts automatically. Once its there it will tell you where you are on the right side. As you spend the first fe minutes of going through Star Trek Fleet Command initial content, you should have a fair idea of what matters more than others especially as far as PvP battles and raids are concerned. @KaraBela Tap the profile avatar at the top left corner -> settings -> help and faq-> common question-> choose anyone -> at the bottom choose no next to was this helpful -> contact us. Once done, you will be able to view that system. If you explore a bit in the System, you will find mining nodes. Your achievements each month will matter throughout the arc, so be sure to begin uncovering the secrets of the Borg today and return each month. Since he keeps this updated, I keep it here at the Wiki in webpage form, as he has put an awesome amount of work into it, & continues to do so for current missions. Star Trek: Fleet Command Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. If I click on them the corresponding number of tokens disappear from my total amount at the top of the screen. New to the Star Trek Fleet Command? If there is any slot available (max 10/15), tap the relocate button.It will cost you a relocation token. Is some thing wrong here? These are the initial missions in the game, designed to familiarize the player with the game and its UI. I do not understand how to relocate my star base to a new system. Introducing the New Epic Outlaw Armada targets which can be found in the Exchange systems In that case check which resource you have to mine, in the mission menu. Then once you have all 3 of the "locked in" type faction missions you can do them all. When you launch the game Star Trek Fleet Command, your missions will be displayed on the left. Players can attack a mining ship anytime. To promote an officer, you need shards. This function is similar to the Nova Empire game. Drop Rate Uncommon(40%), Rare(40%), Epic(20%). The research tree in Star Trek Fleet Command is very broad, and while the time it takes to go far in terms of research progress is evident early on, the idea is to map out the research nodes you want to prioritize and take note of them as you make progress. As you progress in the game, you will battle against high-level hostiles, ships, and players base. Head to the manage menu -> upgrade. Star Trek Fleet Command, which was released on iOS and Android platforms more than two years ago, continues to remain as one of top MMO strategy games today. Operations Your HQ. Star Trek Fleet Command Guide (2020 Update): Tips, Tricks & Strategies There are different fields in which you can conduct research. If you are all out of shield tokens and cannot spare any resources to secure one, relocation becomes a viable choice of action as well. Can a player station/base even be destroyed in this game? Mission(1)All the devils are here. My North Star requires 1 at tier 4 or 5. If you are a f2p player, then you should spend it wisely. Go for it when you see a new event! View source. Just says target level to low?? Take Scotty to the . To initiate transferring to a different server, you have to be at operations level 12 or below. The ships in Star Trek Fleet Command are of four types; survey ships, interceptor ships, battleships, and explorers. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Star Trek: Starfleet Command for PC. If you have not done so, I would suggest joining an Alliance (Guild) as soon as you can. It's the areas at the extremities of your map that are locked to players 37 and below. As part of this choice, you will see 3 missions in level 18 Faction systems, which have prerequisites to accept them. On the recruit screen there is boxes with VIEW at bottom. Also, see Mining locations & list, Do you love playing mobile games? Recall it to home once you are done exploring. Commanders will be able to participate in the Borg Monthly events and can begin progressing right now. However, in addition to the primary content, the galactic system has several side missions. I dont see where the cadets that were in the chest go. Otherwise, it is better to stay with your alliance members for proye tion or go to a low level system. How can i change the id. How do you get uncommon Plutonium? Get all the news and tips on your favourite mobile games and find new hobbies! Only BATTLE REPORTS. Star Trek: Starfleet Command Cheats - PC Cheats Wiki Guide - IGN How do you redeem resource tokens for minerals? Ships are not only divided by their category/class but also their rarity. Featuring the new ship Stella & New Outlaw Armada targets are ready to attack, as Eclipse are scheming behind the scenes, threatening our galaxy! The maximum level of this building is 50 and at each level, you get the weapon damage bonus. LCARS ceased operations on 7th of July 2021. Build The Botany Bay. These continue the story of Harry Mudd teaming up with Khan and the Augments. We would recommend you to build duplicate survey/mining ships rather than the combat ships. The content is not limited to past missions only; missions tied to the ongoing Arc will be available in the Holodeck instead of the Event store. For more information, see Scopelys Fan Content Policy. Is there a certain level of player or faction you need to be to unlock it in the factions store? Even if I do my goals I can not claim the bonus. So its important to increase the strength of ships. There's a couple other links on that page, and a discussion about a Google Doc in the comments at the bottom, but those are just as lacking (literally the same 24 missions, along with another 18 or so tutorial missions. This guide will cover many of the essential things that the game doesn't tell you, which will help you progress and get better at the game. With the exception of survey ships that are built for mining, battleships, explorers, and interceptors follow the typical rock-paper-scissors cycle in combat giving each ship an advantage over one type of ship and disadvantage over another. Each choice will give different amounts of rewards so I advise you to tap the Rewards button first to see the rewards before making a choice. Upgrading your Science Lab increases shield deflection bonus and explorer shield health bonus. Copyright 2022 JeuMobi.com. Do I pretty much have to wait to have Jellyfish strength (or equivalent) before I can hope to win a station attack? You can buy it from the augment faction store. The first step in the Dark Space Missions is getting to operations level 38. Researching a technology requires an amount of time and you can use Speed Up items to speed up the researching process. Where are there more deposits? Upgrading the Parsteel/Tritanium/Dilithium Warehouse increases its capacity. @David Yep, Strength Up your Talla ship, assign better officers and then raid(scan to check the strength). Complete goals listed on the Daily Goals page to earn points. UKF. Is there a way to find a Map of the galaxy? Charles (not Xavier) is a known rage gamer who throws controllers, flip tables and bottles But strangely, he has never smashed a smartphone before. There are 4 main ship categories: Explorer ships are strong against Interceptors while they are at a disadvantage when they are facingBattleships. Guessing no, but would like to confirm. MCMCavemans Missions ggl Sheet In this case, you may lose the resources(Cargo). Star Trek Fleet Command is a type of game that you should be ready to play long-term, before you decide to initially dive in. To speed up this mission completion time, you can either buy acceleration with the in-game currency, or ask your allies for help in the "help request" in the alliance! To complete the missions, you can tap on any of the mission then tap 'Locate' (Seems to work only for the building missions). You can obtain parts for the ships; explorer, battleship, interceptor and more by destroying the hostiles. As you gain xp for ships and the parts to attach equipment they drop randomly. This site is protected by reCaptcha and the Google. Likewise, actively partaking in alliance activities can earn you credits that can be exchanged for shield tokens at the alliance store. Star Trek Fleet Command: Are There Cheats? Answered - Twinfinite The one you mentioned above is one of them. Although we have already advised players to fortify their starbases before they step into operations level 15 in our advanced guide, what we consider as the best course of action for beginners now is to prepare it as early as possible. There's always secrets and Easter eggs to be found in Star Trek Fleet Command. I wish to say that this post is awesome, nice written and include approximately all important infos. Tap it and from the drop down menu, choose Star Trek Fleet Command. How can you change a ship name? Since you can not dismantle or delete the ships, dont build duplicates of weak and combat ships.