Original Price $11.99 For the holiday version, you can send Valentines Day cards to your family and friends from your baby with messages like Be my aunt? or Will you be my grandma? If not for Valentines Day, you can simply send out messages that are more like proposals such as Will you be my pop-pop?. 77. Seasonal jumpsuit. And this dreamy filter seems about right for the most surreal news of all. You wont want to miss their reaction! Plan a virtual call with your family and/or friends and use the pregnancy reveal ideas below to surprise them. Read on to find out when and how to announce your pregnancy and to discover some creative, cute, and funny ways to share the big news. 41. Sharing the news with your partner, family, friends, and colleagues will be a very special moment, so you may be on the hunt for some top-notch pregnancy announcement ideas. This funny pregnancy announcement idea is perfect if you love the great outdoors. The following list is typically the order in which people announce their pregnancies to their family, friends, and acquaintances. Free shipping for many products! But you cant beat perks (like someone to make mischief with!). To get the ball rolling, write different options on paper sorted by gender and have them pick them out of a box and mull it over. Our global marketplace is a vibrant community of real people connecting over special goods. Try contacting them via Messages to find out! If you have a cat or dog, you could show your and your partners feet in socks and your pets paws next to tiny baby socks. Use our Printable Box Flaps to dress up the surprise and fill the box with everything baby! With separate themes, messages, and modes of execution, the one thing they do have in common is the fact that any low-key mom will absolutely love them. $19.98, $24.98 This could be a nice option if the timing of your baby announcement coincides with Valentines Day, but you dont necessarily need the holiday to implement this idea. However, we included the following ideas specifically for social sharing: 88. Pregnancy test gift box. Blindfolded take-the-hint game. 2, Princess Eugenie Is Pregnant With Baby No. 23.52, 31.36 Get a shot of them holding either the sonogram or a message revealing that theyll soon have a little sib. Ask your partner to hold two bags of ice and stand to your right. Check out the following ideas for a little inspiration. Pregnancy test in plain sight. Get a family photo with each person holding an ice cream cone but give your child two to hold. Listed on Mar 2, 2023 Grab a big bowl of ice cream and use this eating for three spoon, and see if anyone notices. Got a puzzle lover to share the happy news with? You can announce your pregnancy whenever you want, but its common to wait until you're through the first trimester. David Garry, MD, director of maternal fetal medicine at Stony Brook Medicine in New York. 35. Little little, big little. Choose a onesie, snap a photo and make the grand announcement from babys point of view! Whatever it is, we probably have a pregnancy announcement idea that you will love. If you and your partner have a favorite movie, TV show, book, or song, do something fun with a famous quote or lyric, adding your own play on words to deliver the message. You might like to share a pregnancy announcement with your best friends individually (in person or virtually) or together at a group lunch where you surprise them all at once. $29.74, $34.99 Crafting the perfect pregnancy announcement caption can feel daunting. Here, theyre featured alongside both of your hands intertwineda symbol of the bond thats now creating your family together. Break the shell of this egg to reveal a message of your choosing: Were pregnant!, New chicklet on the way or 9 months to hatch.. Original Price $24.21 An adventure is about to begin! 21 Cute Pregnancy Announcement Ideas To Surprise Your Husband Take a picture of yourself holding a bowl with the words eating for three written on the side. If you love laughing, these ideas might fit the bill and work perfectly for social media, email, snail mail, and/or in-person reveals: 11. (10% off), Sale Price 6.71 You can use this trend in two ways as a pregnancy announcement for grandparents: Create the message and send them the entire board as a sweet keepsake, or, if you want to keep the board yourself, send them a photo. 10. A letter board pregnancy announcement is great, but one that shows just a hint of the bump is even better. This is a smart idea for first-time moms and dads - just switch seasons! 42. Hold hands with your partner while you each dangle a baby shoe on your finger. Original Price 13.42 Looks like just another day at the beach, until you take a closer look at the hat! Have a lotto lover in the family? Eating for three. Create T-shirts for you and your partner that read, And then there were four. Take a photo of you wearing them while holding a pair of baby shoes and use it as a cute twin pregnancy announcement idea. Squeal! Even more wonderful: a pregnancy announcement is that rare sort of news that can be as much of a big deal for your closest friends and family members as it is for you. 11.79, 13.10 (25% off), Sale Price 24.88 Youll need a baby high chair eventually, so plan ahead and get one before your little ones arrival or borrow one from a friend for this unique pregnancy announcement idea. If its just beginning to pop, find a way to draw attention to your cutest accessory. They shouldnt have to find out with the masses, and they should expect nothing less than a phone call. 30. Announcing you're pregnant is probably the next most exciting thing after finding out you're pregnant. Punny quotes or lyrics. A surprise pregnancy announcement to your husband may require you to carefully consider the best ways to tell your husband you're pregnant. This cute pregnancy announcement idea gives sonographic proof that there's a human baby on the way. Better yet, this one doubles as a creative pregnancy announcement. 3. Original Price $31.98 Keep feeding them until your partner guesses what youre trying to say. This will differ depending on what options are available for the item. 25 Ways To Announce Pregnancy To Family In Person 1. Use Balloons Like in gender reveal parties, using balloons is an effective way to announce your pregnancy. Acquaintances and everyone else. Include a picture from your ultrasound and a custom item announcing the baby-to-be. We cant forget a true classic! Chances are, you found out together, but if not, you need to let your partner know pretty much right away, Post Senning says. Announce it with pumpkins. Buy two pairs of baby booties and have a friend take a photo of you and your partner holding them, hinting at whats to come. While on the call, tell your family and friends to log into their email and click open on the count of three. Pregnancy announcement, du wirst grandma, gift box with baby socks If you didn't find out together, your partner would likely be the first person you tell. (Bonus: You can also share the photo on social media!) The seller might still be able to personalize your item. Whats cuter than a onesie pregnancy announcement? ), Want a creative pregnancy annoucement that taps into the humor of pregnancy? Is the real treat the cake or the upcoming bundle of joy? Waiting till 20 weeks, or 4 to 5 months, is also popular, he adds, explaining that this allows women to make sure the ultrasound findings are normal and confirm the sex of baby. Photo booth surprise. 74. 8. 87. Your sense of taste and smell arent the only things heightened during pregnancy. Have someone snap a candid (or planned!) Use them to craft an adorable social media post or send an announcement off by mail. Under Add your personalization, the text box will tell you what the seller needs to know. Its never too early to start saving, so this baby announcement idea is playful yet practical! Baby clothes lineup. This is a life-changing moment for you and your husband or partner. Surprising Husband With Pregnancy: 40 Creative Ways Deciding how soon to give a surprise pregnancy announcement to husband is a personal choice. Expecting Mother OrnamentExpecting Couple with Kneeling Dad - Pregnant 99 Best Things in Life Are Unexpected Baby Announcement, Neutral Surprise Pregnancy Reveal For Social Media, Digital Boho Secret Baby Reveal MinnyPrints (2,190) $12. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. Original Price $25.70 Jessica Tarlov Baby PicturesTarlov is the loving daughter of Mark This Pizza Pregnancy Announcement Is So Cute That The Whole - Bustle 1) Daddy T-shirt Make your partner a shirt that says "Daddy." Then walk in the room wearing your "Mommy" shirt while giving your partner with his special gift. (10% off), Sale Price 39.03 $19.80, $22.00 If youre planning one with a beach destination, get a custom-made beach hat that says something like baby on the way and pose with it while in paradise. Original Price 48.79 (10% off), Sale Price 23.52 We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. Think of some fun pregnancy announcement captions, such as eating for four, Two scoops are better than one! or double the fun.. Extended family. Feel free to borrow the one thats just right for you. (50% off), Sale Price 17.26 39.03, 48.79 If you can resist running to him the moment you see that second pink line, we have idea Receiving news through the grapevine was the social media before social media, says Post-Senning, and its totally appropriate for your outer circle.. The bump metaphor. Diaper delivery. This cute pregnancy announcement idea gives sonographic proof that theres a human baby on the way. Because, yes, it will get real once baby arrives. 7. Get a recording of a baby crying and play it a few times while on the virtual call. If you post this pregnancy announcement idea on Facebook or Instagram, you can use the countdown feature in your story! Make sure to record his best reaction. Put a pun into it with this idea! Go somewhere that has a beach and draw doodles in the wet sand. The couples behind these ha-ha-funny pregnancy announcements already have it in spades. 130+ Pregnancy Announcement Ideas to Tell Loved Ones Find out more in our Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Other details about her body measurements will be updated. Think of a beach ball, ice pops, and sandals for summer, or snow, greenery, and wool hats for winter. Pregnancy announcement captions. Absolutely! Fine print. This creative yet adorably nerdy pregnancy announcement idea brings some humor into the process. Pregnancy cravings. For couples eager to start a family, theres no news more exhilarating than Im pregnant! Finding out youre expecting is a huge milestone moment for you and your partner. (Coming to a delivery room near you soon!). This Gender-Neutral Baby Bodysuits item is sold by StylishLittles. Surprise your partner with this classic pregnancy announcement idea, where you wrap your pregnancy test in a gift box and let your partner open it at a special time, such as during a date night. Sharing this news is just one of many delightful milestones you'll encounter in your pregnancy journeyand perhaps before long you'll be enjoying a baby shower thrown in your honor. (10% off), Sale Price $15.29 Say it with cake. Make a Cozy Pregnancy Announcement to Your Parents Photo/Where to Buy: OneOkGo via Etsy Tees are fun, but sweatshirts feel like a hug from you to them. Movie poster message. 1. Try a letter board! Other family members and best friends are usually next in line, but you may wait to share the news with your colleagues and wider circle of friends and acquaintances. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. In this twin pregnancy announcement photo, Mom and big brother cant hide their shock, while Dads so scared hes practically frozen. Present it to your partner and watch their eyes light up. Design a T-shirt or write something on a chalkboard announcing the arrival of your childs "new best friend.". 78. Many parents-to-be enjoy using their first ultrasound photo to reveal the exciting news. When they return, join your pup in greeting them at the door, and watch your partners usual so happy to see you guys face turn into OMG! 100 Cool Pregnancy Announcement Ideas (You Will Love) - Mom Loves Best Once all of the guests have arrived, start a game of Charades or Pictionary. 35+ Fun Ideas for a Valentine's Day Pregnancy Announcement to Husband A popular way to announce your pregnancy on social media is to share a photo taken of you while you hold a piece of fruit in front of your belly, representing the size of your baby. Only-child expiration date. 24.88, 29.27 52 Cute Pregnancy Announcements to Surprise Husband Youll need to create a custom-made label for something youd like to give to your partner, friends, and family. Get a large clear bowl and fill it with two or four heaping spoons of ice cream. 100. Youll treasure the strip of images forever, and your little one will also love seeing it in a few years. 79. Heres a fun pregnancy announcement idea if you already have one or two kids. Cookies and similar technologies are used to improve your experience, to do things like: Without these technologies, things like personalized recommendations, your account preferences, or localisation may not work correctly. If you and your family enjoy camping, craft a cute and creative photoshoot at a campsite. photo of you and your partner admiring baby's first pictures; it allows friends and family to share in the unfiltered joy of this sweet moment. Make sure one of those doodles is your pregnancy announcement with something like Were pregnant! or Baby on the way., 37. $22.86, $26.89 . The good news for your non-pregnant partner (besides the obvious!) Give your favorite Scrabble partner the ultimate challengedeciphering the words on this T-shirt. For example, if you and your partner are in tech, you can make personalized T-shirts that say loading to represent your littlest techie whos busy developing in your baby bump! (10% off), Sale Price 29.65 64. T-shirt surprise. (10% off), Sale Price $19.27 $27.45, $32.30 Image: Star Seller/ Etsy Hello world. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. Display your pregnancy reveal on a word game tile holder! Line them up with your message (something like, Were having a baby!) and put them behind you. Photo by Danielle D'Ottaviano on Reshot. Have a local bakery make fortune cookies and provide them with little strips of paper bearing messages of your news. Original Price $13.99 That should do the trick. Oh Baby! 50 Best Pregnancy Announcement Ideas for Your Family (2023) Pregnancy announcements can take place on certain holidays or, of course, within a specific season. Need a larger selection? 33. Sale Price $25.46 Historically, because the risk of miscarriage is high during the first trimester, some moms-to-be opt to wait before telling even their inner circle. Pregnancy Test Keepsake Box, Surprise Pregnancy news Gifts for Grandparents. Send a homemade note, or hand-deliver this red-hot onesie. Head out on a photo shoot with you and your partner or friends and bring fishing poles. Baby backpack. Listed on Feb 18, 2023 Temporary tattoos. LAUGH IN A BOX PREGNANCY ANNOUNCEMENT SCRATCH CARDS 10 PACK. (15% off), Sale Price $39.19 65. (50% off), Sale Price 7.56 A second pregnancy means your little one is getting a new bestie! Custom Shirts If you're looking for ways to tell your husband you're pregnant with baby number 2, these big sis and big bro shirts are adorable! So get ready to be inspired and prepare to be blown away in the most chilled out way possible. Have fun with a rhyme and create your announcement using the phrase two are due. You can put it on a T-shirt, chalkboard, or a party sign, or use it simply as a photo caption. Scavenger hunt. Personalized announcement gift. Create a cute T-shirt or do a chalkboard illustration indicating your due date as the expiration date of your little ones only child title. Spread the buzz with coffee cups. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. 13 Share the onesie-ful news Say it. 2. If youre ready to share all the happy news in one efficient Instagram post, you can create custom-font words to add to your beloved letter board. Original Price $34.99 Take a photo of you and your partner with lots of adorable rubber duckies floating around you, such as while sitting on a dock or next to a blowup pool (just make sure the rubber duckies dont float away if youre out in nature!). Its both! 34. You could intertwine your arms while sipping from glasses, or get a little silly with coffee mugs and give an exhausted look. Grab a grocery cart and start filling it with diapers, the foods you craveand (for those friends who need a bigger hint) the books youre studying up on. Pregnancy Announcement Box: Surprise! How big is my baby? View Etsys Privacy Policy. Put a high chair next to you or between you and your partner and strike a pose. $19.27, $25.70 (And seriously youre going to need the force juggling day-to-day life with four feisty kiddos at homea real Baby Yoda is coming soon! Warm Pregnancy Announcement Gift - Are you looking for a unique way for your pregnancy announcement? 56.00, 70.00 Eat Pregnancy Announcement Chocolate. Download The AppDaily pregnancy & newborn updates with our FREE app. Once they do, the surprise pregnancy announcement at the bottom of the mug will make their heart beat faster than any amount of caffeine could. remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy. Surprise your husband or stun your spouse or partner with a piggy bank as a pregnancy announcement. (15% off), Sale Price 20.50 Your current child will love this pregnancy announcement idea! Get creative with this virtual pregnancy announcement idea by presenting your audience with a series of riddles. Boyfriend and Girlfriend (Date). (Though, you dont need to know babys sex to announce your pregnancy!). $25.51, $28.35 There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. This cute pregnancy announcement is as sweet as can be. COCHITTA Pregnancy Announcement Gift Box Surprise Pregnancy Expecting After they complete the first pair, swap out the other pair with baby shoes and see if they get the hint! Invite your family over and tell everyone to arrive at the same time. Baby beach hat. One of the many things kids teach you is that youve got to have a sense of humor. Stand up and show them your bump to reveal the news! photo of you and your partner admiring babys first pictures; it allows friends and family to share in the unfiltered joy of this sweet moment. A onesie is pretty much the universal way to break the news that theres a baby on the wayand this family portrait is about to get twice as cute in a few months. (15% off), Sale Price $8.39 Wrap it in a cute gift bag or a gift box and watch the surprised faces of your loved ones when they realize you're pregnant again! Original Price $24.98 Original Price $21.99 You have lots of options when deciding how to tell your parents (the new grandparents) youre pregnant. 2, Mike 'the Situation' and His Wife Lauren Welcome Baby No. Who could possibly be more excited about the news than you and your partner? (30% off), Sale Price $29.74 Oldest, youngest. The answer to that is its totally up to you! A pregnancy announcement to your kids might be first, followed by parents, siblings, and close relatives. Take the photo quickly before the ice cream melts and see who can decode the message! Dont tell if youre not ready to tell. (30% off), Sale Price 41.98 Youre about to have a new little travel companion. There are many ways to show it off, so use your creativity here! Let friends and loved ones know that theres a BUMP in the roada good one, of course. Have someone snap a candid (or planned!) (50% off), Sale Price $19.71 Have a pizza party and prepare the food yourself. If you choose something like Were having a baby! youll need four cards, one with each word. Piggy bank. Movie buffs can create their own movie poster for a unique and cool pregnancy announcement. Think back to your own childhood for this baby announcement idea and gather those cute traditional wooden blocks. As long as your pregnancy announcement is kept private to close family and friends, you can be as fun and silly (or not) as you like. 2. Simply decorate their cake with "Happy birthday" and their relation to baby so it could read "Happy birthday, grandma/grandpa", "Happy birthday, auntie/uncle", or even "Happy birthday, daddy". While they work, youll create a pregnancy announcement in the middle of their art. Suitable Size - The wooden pregnancy test keepsake box measures approximately 7.8 x 2.8 x 1.7 inches. 2. Get it Mar 10 - 16. Professional photo shoot. She works closely with editorial teams and medical experts around the globe to ensure that new and expectant parents receive accu Madeline Johnson, Pampers.com Executive Editor, 100 Cute, Creative, and Funny Pregnancy Announcement Ideas. Sale Price 47.83 86. (20% off), Sale Price $19.98 Order a custom-made piggy bank with BABY on the side (or paint one yourself with supplies from a craft store) and put some coins in it. (12% off), Sale Price $15.99 89. 90. This Mommys little helper is going to have her hands full soon! Snap a photo of the announcement while your kids are still drawing! Rubber duckies. Personalized Expecting Christmas Ornament 2022 . How to Surprise Grandparents with Pregnancy - 19 Sweet Ideas (20% off), Sale Price 18.89 Dont see this option? Want to know more? is the fact that they can still enjoy a glass of wine. These pretty pregnancy announcement ornaments are oh-so-apropos if youre ready to spread the news while the holiday lights are still twinkling. Baby jumpsuit clothesline. Pregnancy Announcement Surprise Box - The Dating Divas . (30% off), Sale Price 56.00 17 Unique Surprise Pregnancy Announcement Ideas You Will Love